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37. FROM (S2 Ep7) "The Belly of the Beast"

June 05, 2023 Alex & Lizzie Season 2 Episode 37

Join Alex & Lizzie on What is FROM'Cast for a chilling exploration of Episode 7 of Season 2, "The Belly of the Beast," where we break down the gruesome dissection of Smiley and the whirlwind of emotional turmoil experienced by our beloved characters. What if we told you that dissecting a monster could lead to a terrifying revelation about the people closest to you? From unexpected pregnancies to eerie visions, this episode is a rollercoaster you won't want to miss.

We dive deep into the complex relationships and intriguing connections that are unraveling in this thrilling show. Discover how Fatima's unexpected pregnancy leads to a shift in her relationship with Alice, and how Tabitha and Jade's unusual bond could be the key to uncovering the mysteries surrounding the town. Plus, we'll explore the possibility of secret moles within the community and the enigmatic committee that seems to be pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Don't miss out on all the twists and turns in this episode, as well as our wild speculations about the roles of different characters and their possible ties to the show's darker side. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok for updates and additional content. Join us as we continue to unravel the mysteries of this gripping series, and share your thoughts with us along the way!

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Check out Alex and Lucy on Daddy Daughter BookWorms:

Check out Lizzie on Brains Gone Bad: http://directory.libsyn.com/shows/view/id/brainsgonebad
Check out Lizzie’s book series, Lizzie’s Lost Girls at: https://shorturl.at/cijOP

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Speaker 1:

Hi, Jamie McGuire, aka Smiley, and you're listening to the.

Speaker 2:

What is From Cast on the Podcast Good.

Speaker 1:

Network. It's a bad spot. The bell is ringing Time to go home before it gets dark, hmm.

Speaker 2:

Ah Welcome to the show. My name is Alex.

Speaker 4:

And I'm Lizzie, i'm ready.

Speaker 2:

And we've got our talismans, we've got our lunchbox, we know it's Sunday, is from day and we are talking Episode 7, season 2, the Belly of the Beast. And, for those of you that are joining us on the internet, thank you so much. Why don't you hit that subscribe button? because then you can find all the latest and greatest for our show and what is going on. So, lizzie, having talked to you all day, what was your thoughts on this first episode? What was your first thoughts on the episode?

Speaker 4:

That it was a peaceful day to get some work done Absolutely.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

My first thoughts were that I was excited to see the dissection of Smiley. I love dissection a lot. That's one of my favorite science things. I loved the fever dreams or the withdrawal dreams that Marielle had. And then my favorite thing and I didn't expect to ever see this on anything or have someone else say the same thing, But when you lay back in the tub and submerge your ears in how it sounds like the ocean, sometimes I will do that because I get homesick and I want ocean sounds.

Speaker 2:

Well, i'm telling you right now you got yourself some ocean sounds.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, i mean I don't know if those were all the answers, but there were so many things in this episode And one of them, one of the characters, said something and I had an epiphany. Okay, and I didn't wait to get to that.

Speaker 2:

Well, we're going to get to that and much, much more. But let's first dive into the episode, and the first thing I want to talk about is the new day, because we have a dead Smiley on the ground And they're all looking at him, like through the window, like is he moving?

Speaker 5:

I wouldn't even want to go outside.

Speaker 2:

Well, i like the next one. Is he still dead? Yeah, and you know, one of my partners from Yellowjackets, rennie, has the best comment of all, crazy episode Don't bring monsters inside for an autopsy. Well, you know what? They didn't listen to you, rennie, but that's okay, that's okay.

Speaker 4:

I would have been right there with Christy and Boyd wanting to rip him open, because I mean, that is science at work. Sometimes you have to dive into those things. I read a long time ago that they did find life on Mars and they put hydrogen peroxide on it and it killed it. So then there was no life on Mars.

Speaker 2:

Right, exactly, and this is the thing about all of this is, you know, the dissection before we even get to that. I want to talk about Kenny and his feelings towards all of this, and he does a great job of. He makes some really good points, because he wants nothing to do with this thing, he wants to burn it, he wants to do everything he can possibly do but to not bring it in, and it sounds like he's making a good case. But at the other side, they've got to create, they have to figure out a way to create a weapon for this, against these monsters.

Speaker 4:

Right. So the only way to really do that is to open it up and see how it ticks. That's not the first time an alien being has been dissected by humans wondering what the heck you know how this thing ticks and what its weak spots are. And that's what they need to know, because they certainly can't interact with them at night. Absolutely.

Speaker 4:

And now, unless they're able to cut them open and put worms inside their bodies, what the interesting thing will be is whether or not the monsters would learn from that. You know, they all looked at him and they looked curious, but they didn't do anything And it's not like they investigated while they were standing there, they just walked away And I don't know that it was. I don't know that it wasn't giving off some sort of signal. True Like they sent each other and they knew that the life force was gone.

Speaker 2:

Well, what's interesting is you know Rennie also points out why don't they just do it outside, behind everybody? And I understand, you know, they didn't want a lot of ruckus, they didn't want a lot of people coming back, but they could have found an area of the forest to kind of do it.

Speaker 4:

No, no, because what happens is that it's not like they had a sterile environment, but they had an area where there wasn't cross breezes, there weren't things flying around, there wouldn't be bugs that could fly into the chest cavity. They needed something, they needed to control the area and which to do that. Autopsy outside would not You know if there's no other place to do it. That's one thing. Right, they had the option of indoors, So that's where they did it. I thought it was interesting that they weren't using anything to mop anything up.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

You know, Yeah. So they get ready for the autopsy. Kenny is protesting the entire time. He wants to burn the body. Like you said, boyd and Christie want to study it because that's what they need to do, and Christie, being the scientific mind there, decides that they really need to go for this and see what's in there, and so let's see.

Speaker 2:

What they try to do, what she does, is typical autopsy. they take the chest cavity off, they get it off, and one of the things that was really kind of interesting about this is that, first off, it was human.

Speaker 4:

Oh, you're skipping over something very important, okay. So he makes the first incision the reaction from the body.

Speaker 2:

And that's very common.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, i mean not that I've well, i mean my dog let out his last breath once and it freaked me out. I thought he had come back to life. I really did.

Speaker 2:

When I was on a CPR. it was like 20 minutes later and all of a sudden the person decided to flatulate out of nowhere and it scared the crap out of us. Otherwise noticed part And it scared the crap out of us.

Speaker 4:

Oh my God, you got to remember. I would be farting while I was dead.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, to your point. I mean, i didn't miss that because it you know, when she didn't make that incision she hit a nerve. They all freaked out.

Speaker 4:

And it was awesome. It was awesome. It was so awesome, I mean it was a jump scare, but that that was one of my favorite jump scares ever And I'm not a fan of jump scares, but that was awesome. It was. it was perfect, utterly perfect.

Speaker 2:

Well, i'm going to tell you right now we got a, we got a text or a message from Patrick Baxter and he's one of the FX guys And he was. He was just giving us some behind the scenes stuff And I mean I called him Peter last week, but I'm going to tell you right now, this guy has done it all And the amount of time that it takes to do a lot of these things, you don't realize as a viewer, and he is definitely, and his team are definitely craftsmen or craftsmen.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know and don't get enough credit.

Speaker 4:

They don't get enough credit from working on set. I you know, it's the people behind the camera that create this wonderland, And there is no small job.

Speaker 4:

Now you are working on set, what you do is integral to what is going on in front of that camera And everyone is an artist in their own way And it just blows my mind the worlds that you know crews create. It's just truly works of art. And I've you know, recently I sat in the makeup trailer while extensive prosthetics were being applied and watching the patients and the care and the attention to detail that goes into that stuff is just truly amazing.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, because it's not necessarily, like you know, with close up work like that, it's not necessarily that they're just putting a mask over his head and calling it a day, like that face is built up from. You know Jamie McGuire, who plays Smiley it's built up from his face, and you know where the monsters all look similar because of our facial facial structure being so unique to us. Each one of those monsters has subtle nuances that are unique to that person, so it's just fabulous work.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. And you know going back to Kenny really quick, somebody had just tweeted to us on our Twitter, this guy, brian Spears. You know, the problem with Kenny's thinking is you never get answers. And I think to your point. I know I'm going back a little bit, but I just wanted to read it. He's not in the right place where he needs to be. I mean a third year medical student, you know she's done dissection, she understands the intricacies of it, so it's not a big deal. Yes, is it scary? Of course it's scary, but at the same time they want to see what's inside and they have to because they need to create a weapon. And it's just really neat to see these FX guys or these prosthetics people do their deal, because it was frigging amazing from day to night.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, i mean, the thing with Kenny is that he just couldn't. Well, until he did, he couldn't get on board with it And you know it got to the point where he had to have a conversation with Christie And that meant telling her how he felt I could be wrong. I don't recall him saying I love you to her prior to this.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't think so either.

Speaker 4:

And you know I've been going back through the episodes the last couple of days but I've been hitting fast forward because I'm looking for very particular things And I didn't stop really for anything. But one thing I noticed and I think it was the first or the no, it was the second episode, when Christie meets him in the diner and she comes in and they just kind of twiddle fingers with each other.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

You know it was very intimate, without it being over the top. It wasn't necessarily something friends do, really, but you know he needed to say something to her. He just needed to clear that air. I'm happy for you. But hello, i was here. You know, i love you, i matter And you know, because she's taken aback when he's saying I can't do this with you And she's like wait a minute, what about you and me? I thought it was you and me against all of this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, that changed.

Speaker 4:

You know, i mean, she meant, she meant no matter what, and he meant until Marielle showed up.

Speaker 2:

Well, he's also just a little heart and it's been like a hot second, so you got to give the guys some Yeah.

Speaker 4:

And he felt a little thrown over, although it's not like what she really did, but you know, and she's been busy so it wasn't like she could come talk to him.

Speaker 4:

But you know, he's gone through a lot with separating from Boyd. I mean, that is still super recent. So when they, when they start the process, just before the start the process, he comes in and joins them and they saw the chest. Oh yeah, and that's when Kenny shows up, when they go to take the sternum off, and I don't know, i didn't expect what we saw, you know, like all these dried up organs in there.

Speaker 2:

Neither did, neither did Christie.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but I didn't. I don't know what I was thinking we'd find in there, maybe a little robot guy like working the controls or something like men in black. But I didn't expect it to be, expect it to be dried up. And you know, of course I start thinking about it. I'm like all right, so what runs this, this machine? What's running it? Something has to be running it. And you know she starts looking through the body. You know it's got all the same anatomical organs that we do, except for it has nothing liquidy to move things around. So if the worms went into the body and deactivated that body, where are the worms?

Speaker 2:

Well, that's my next question. And because, at the end of the day, the only thing that was viable in terms of vial was the gallbladder.

Speaker 4:

I don't know if it was viable.

Speaker 2:

Not viable, but the only thing that liquid was the gallbladder.

Speaker 4:

Was the gallbladder. But you know they didn't, they didn't go into the brain, they didn't look inside the head. So that's another option, Perhaps. I mean gosh, it's like what is powering that body to move. And the interesting thing about the gallbladder, you know, the gallbladder is where bile is stored, And so the bile will. you know, the liver makes the bile. The gallbladder sits next to the liver, And so when we start eating and food is hitting our small intestine, that's when the bile goes to the small intestine, because bile is like an acid.

Speaker 4:

So it starts breaking down that food so that we can digest it and make use of everything that's in that food or hopefully everything And then, you know, things go on their merry way, And so what happens is like the gallbladder is all filled with bile When we start eating. It just squeezes until all the bile is into the first intestine I mean not the first intestine, Well, yeah, I guess so the small intestine And then the liver starts making more bile to go back into the liver, to the gallbladder. So of course, now I'm having thoughts about the movie seven and the gluttony guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know That's that I don't watch that movie, Okay so anyway.

Speaker 4:

So anyway, like it made me wonder what was up with the bile in the gallbladder, because if it's acidic, are the worms agreeable to that, or not, and again, we still need to find out where the worms went.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we don't know if they went in there, but maybe the worms were dissolved in the bile. Maybe that's a way to get rid of those worms. So at any rate, they collect the bile and Christie goes and hangs out with Marielle and comforts her, and then Kenny and Boyd start to go And Boyd is like Hey, you know, i still have that Badge, if you're interested in Kenny's like, been there, done that.

Speaker 2:

Well, i think he's not that he's on the fence, he's just not ready to come back just yet.

Speaker 4:

Maybe, maybe not. Maybe he's done, Maybe he likes wearing pants that actually you know hit the top of his shoes?

Speaker 4:

I'm not sure, But you know I do like because I was like looking at him. I'm like, Oh my God, he thinks he's Briggs in lethal weapon because he's just walking around in like the shirt, He's got the gun and the pair of jeans and stuff. That I was like, Oh, you know, back when it was okay to love Mel Gemson, but at any rate, Yeah, So after, after, they kind of make their back, their back, friends again, for lack of a better term they're on good, they're on good, they're on speaking terms.

Speaker 4:

They're on good terms, yeah, yeah. So they're kind of just going off and going to do their day at this point. So let's see.

Speaker 2:

Then we go to the Lou family slash Matthew's family and Mrs Lou is starting to make pancakes And I love this scene because they're arguing over when to flip them.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, well, you defer to Mrs Lou.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you don't defer to the chef.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, i mean, mrs Lou knows what she's doing in that kitchen, because she certainly keeps an entire town happy, so I would just want to learn to cook from her. Oh my God, cooking lessons with Mrs Lou, mrs Lou's kitchen.

Speaker 2:

Mrs Lou's cooking book.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

But in that, in that scene, you know, they, the kids want to go see, go up to colony house, and Jim's like no, and then Tapa there's like yes, and then, and then the two of them, he pulls them aside and they go outside and they start talking about how to parent. Basically, you know what?

Speaker 4:

well, I don't know that it was so much parenting, it was just being a united front. I think you just said united front and you're a parent. You probably have had that problem where you're saying one thing and Liz is saying another and you know the kid is like, you know Lucy's like, hmm, which one works out for me?

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, she always asks well, mom said it's okay if it's okay with you. No, it's not, I don't do that Yeah.

Speaker 4:

I mean I'm lucky I just have Charlotte, i don't have to bounce anything off of anybody. What I say goes, and it's usually whatever Charlotte wants Pretty much. Yeah, That's, that's where it rolls around here, But at any rate, um they, he's feeling disrespected because he's openly being disagreed with and after I don't know. I feel like after it's not the house collapsing, it's after the whole radio thing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

And I've, i've, i've, i've, i've, i've, i've, i've, I've, i've, i've. I've changed a little bit And I've sensed a change between him and Tabitha. Tabitha's just gone through something in those tunnels with Victor. She's changed, we know she's changed, she's having visions of terrifying.

Speaker 4:

No fucking terrifying children. Yes, which we're going to talk about later. Yeah, and I think, like at the end of last season, what was happening is that at the beginning they were on the road to divorce, then they ended up on the road to from, and now, you know, then they, they just kind of went through this Renaissance where they started to fall in love again and remember what they loved about each other And they you know we're talking about Thomas and you know probably things that they hadn't said.

Speaker 4:

You know, their family was very much fractured And now it seems like, since the radio and Tabitha being in those caves, something is very different with both of them. Yes, jim is convinced that someone's listening, that there's someone out there, and Tabitha is seeing things that she doesn't know if they're there or not. You know, after last week with Jade finding her, it almost feels like they're not there. But I think, i think it's just different for every person. Like they, they see whatever it is they're seeing And it's actually there. So you know, ethan wants to go hang out with Victor. Right, which is understandable, yeah.

Speaker 4:

And Jim is like I know that guy is creepy and I don't want you around him, which, on the surface, yeah, victor's creepy, you know, like who you know, but Tabitha quickly reminds him that creepy Victor saved Julie's life.

Speaker 2:

Among other things, And it saved her life too.

Speaker 4:

Yeah And saved her life. So you know, if it wasn't for Victor, the the female Matthews members might not still be around. So Jim's not really happy about this. But the kids go up to go up to which McCallie McCallie house, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then Ethan. Ethan talks to Victor And and it's funny because they're like two, they're like two eight or nine year olds.

Speaker 4:

And I love them together.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're great.

Speaker 4:

Because they relate, you know, nino to Nino And they're on the same page. And Victor has already commented, you know, in the junkyard, the car junkyard episode that the trees look strange Right And so, and we know that just days ago he was measuring tree distances and had concluded that they had moved. So when Ethan comes upon him he is still doing that work And I don't know if maybe he's doing it daily to see if there's a change from day to day, or if he's just checking his work Maybe he also says something.

Speaker 2:

He also says something to Ethan anytime there's change, there's bad things that happen.

Speaker 4:

There's bad things that happen to people, And yet that's the other thing. He tells Ethan to leave him alone And Ethan's like but we're friends. And he's like that's exactly why you need to not be here with me, because bad things happen to people that get close to me. And so what he has found is that if he keeps the people that he cares about at a distance from him, then they stand a better chance at survival.

Speaker 2:

I just want to interrupt you for one second. Taz says Victor's the keeper of the records recording the data, and that's really an important point. The question is will it? will everybody start talking to each other? And I think it's starting to happen. Are you asking me? No, i'm just saying in general, it's just in general.

Speaker 4:

It is starting to happen. We do see it in this episode.

Speaker 2:

But But even still, like when, when going back to Tabitha and Jim, he keeps saying I heard something, i heard something, and she's like, it's like she didn't believe him kind of in a way, in a way, and and it's just like because she didn't hear it And although she wants him to believe that she was down there with Victor and everything was and Victor saved the day. So I mean there's there's a couple of different things that are going on here. I think Jim, jim is on this, this island, about this voice, and the only person that knows it is Donna And she wants everything quiet.

Speaker 4:

So Right, and it seems like everyone he mentions it to kind of looks at him like he's nuts. But at any rate, back to Victor. You know Victor has found that the further he keeps people away from him, the better chance of survival that they have. And Victor is used to this kind of world because for a long time he was there by himself until other people started coming Right. But Ethan is used to a world where friends hang out together and they play with each other and they talk about things with one another. And the thing about it is that Victor, although he's compelled to get Ethan away from him, he's also dying for someone his own age. And so he he points out to Ethan hey, that orange marker did not work.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I know He's just a pain in the ass about the damn orange marker.

Speaker 4:

But it doesn't matter. Like the thing is like I really hate when that happens, why I hate markers, why I don't want to share markers with little kids. I am all about the colored pencils because they never dry up, But I was reading something and I think it was on one of the from Facebook pages, and it was talking about orange being the color of autumn. I mean, alex, you and I know what autumn looks like The brilliant golds and the brilliant reds, like those deep reds, and then the orange, like that orange color. I had a tree outside my window at my favorite house that I lived in in Massachusetts And in the fall it was the most magnificent living thing on the planet And I loved it. That orange was so vibrant, and so is it a coincidence that it's the orange one that's dried up.

Speaker 2:

Well, as you say, there's no coincidences in the show, right?

Speaker 4:

Because the orange, the tree, not the trees, the leaves are orange and they dry up and they fall off. So fromville is experiencing an autumn.

Speaker 2:

They are. So, so we have to be on the lookout. We definitely have to be on the lookout, but we got to watch.

Speaker 4:

But he also said this has never happened again And that when things change in the in from that it's usually bad, But Ethan's like well, maybe the leaves could be good.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, he's always looking at the thing in a good way.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean, even though he doesn't want to be on the quest anymore, he is still very optimistic.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I just want to pump this up because I think you'll enjoy that. Why don't you read that one?

Speaker 4:

Great A live stream on from I love this show, maggie, i love this show. I love this show. I was the first one to fall in love with it.

Speaker 2:

So, that said, now we're going back to colony house. But before we do, boy tells Ellis, you need to go home so that nobody deals with the, with smiley and everything else. Right, so you go home, you deal with that, you deal with colony house. When we get to colony house, we deal with our favorite girl, who should be nominated for an Emmy, and we are going to be her torch bearer and her favorite pain in the ass husband I mean other person which is Dale, her real life husband, yeah, who is the sweetest man evidently in the world, and they have a little conversation And I just love this for so many fronts. They must have enjoyed this scene so much because they just look like they were having a ball. They do look like they're having a ball.

Speaker 4:

They do look like. They make perfect scene partners. And you know Dale is worrying about what's going to happen to him, like is he going to end up in the box.

Speaker 2:

I know he's like we're, not them. We don't put people in the box.

Speaker 4:

And I love what she says to him. You know, because he's he's trying to advocate that. You know, people have got to make the hard choices sometimes. You know, because he doesn't want the bus people in the house And he's like sometimes people have to make the hard choices, and she's like you. Better watch out and be careful what you wish for, because you might be part of those hard choices.

Speaker 4:

You could be part of those hard choices, and the thing is, when it comes to Dale, i'm not so certain that the choice is going to be all that hard Oh no, it's not, It's not I.

Speaker 2:

Just before we go on, i just want to say, for those of you that are here, if you want to share it out, you can hit that, that subscribe button again If you if you haven't already and hit the bell so that anytime we have any type of new content, you're going to get it first. I mean, we have been doing, we've been on Instagram and we've been on Twitter and we've been on TikTok, but our, our YouTube channel has been crazy. I mean that that Molly Dunsworth thing is up to almost 7000 views already, which is unbelievable. And you know we're just plugging along. We're trying to get to 1000 subscribers by the by the end of the season. So we're at 300 now.

Speaker 2:

So if you guys can help us by telling a friend about the show or anything else, but you know, getting back to getting back to Donna and Dale, the one thing that I think is really funny is she locks the door and there's a woman outside with a gun. Nobody gets in and nobody gets out. I don't care what happens and like yep, yeah. And then Ellis comes in and and, of course, the mother I don't know, it just seems like both on and off screen. She's kind of like the mother of from.

Speaker 4:

Well, yeah, i mean it just seems like the colony house. I mean she, i feel like, especially after colony house fell apart, i feel like she found a purpose that she felt super comfortable with, where she could run that house and she could take care of people, she could help them stay alive And she could promote things that she believed in, like love and beer and pot and whatever I mean.

Speaker 2:

I mean, she's really the heart of the show. I mean I don't know what, i don't know what the people in the audience think, but give us your. We want to hear some Donna love. You know, i mean, that's what it really is.

Speaker 4:

Anyone I talked to that watches this show loves Donna and loves her.

Speaker 2:

And the fact that, because we just got some tweets from, from people that are trying to it's becoming Emmy season and stuff like that, they're trying to get Harold to get nominated again. But you know what, as much as I want Harold to be nominated and I do because I think he's doing a great job Donna has taken the show, donna has stolen the show this season And you know, it just comes down to one thing Elizabeth Saunders is killing it, killing the season. And that's what it's down. And that's, and she slays.

Speaker 4:

She slays, Liz Slays. So Alice, you know, gets brought in and made comfortable up in the layer. Donna has a conversation with Bacca, which it was nice to see Bacca in street clothes and out of her uniform.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

That only took a day, but that that's pretty cool, and the thing is she was at work, she wasn't traveling, most likely with a change of clothes, right. Oh, she had to go through that storage closet And the thing about it, like you know, she's like the leader of her bus people, like she has a responsibility towards those people I almost said towards those kids, because I was thinking about how I was in the classroom or even how I am now with my kids, my kids, yeah, but the thing about it is that Bacca and the bus people experienced something that was horrendous in that kitchen And it was that they were made to feel that they were other Yes.

Speaker 4:

And that, especially where they are, that is a super uncomfortable and scary feeling. And Donna said look, you are one of us. And the thing is when someone I mean I don't know whenever you're coming into a new group of people and you're trying to find your place, and someone says that to you, it feels I don't know. it's just awesome to have that It didn't.

Speaker 2:

It didn't help that the two people that were being accused were both black and he was white, and I know that doesn't seem like it's a big deal But at the same time, in the sense of it's even more, put another layer on top of that, because you're in a seriously crazy world. But they're coming from the real world where there is a lot of that kind of tension, and you got a guy coming out of the knife with you. So there's a lot of layers to it that make it even crazier. They don't know Dale. They don't know if he's just a lot.

Speaker 4:

No, he could be the deranged guy. I mean, he's like swinging the knife around, but he's not very conscious of the knife. He's doing that one day and you know, the next day he could be hitting on back to right if nothing happened. But I loved it. You know, when Donna walked away from back to back to, had a frowny face on back back to was like, and I was like, oh my God, i got out, so I'm. I had some thoughts about that, but at any rate, basically, donna, donna's happy place is running around colony house putting out the fires.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

So Let's see.

Speaker 2:

Then she goes to her second favorite place in Colony House, which is the gardening area, the greenhouse.

Speaker 4:

You're getting ahead of yourself.

Speaker 2:

I'm not, but okay.

Speaker 4:

The thing about it is that she goes up to see Fatima and Ellis and brings them food.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I know You talked about that. You talked about that When was.

Speaker 4:

I here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, you said that she went up, she comforted them, but you want to go over it. That's fine.

Speaker 4:

I don't know. I don't remember. It was so long ago. But she blames herself for Ellis getting stabbed because she wasn't there for that. She wasn't there to control everything. but she also plays down the whole food shortage thing by saying it's minor and temporary. Right.

Speaker 4:

And the thing is, given that they don't know what's happening from one day to the next, they don't know that anything is minor or temporary. Then we're down in because Fatima's sitting there with Ellis. she's not saying anything about her predicament. but then she goes down and finds Donna in the greenhouse Right And Donna is still trying to resurrect and save whatever plants that she can. It seems like if it's not a food plant, it's doing fine. Right. But Fatima tells her that she's pregnant And I loved, loved, loved Donna's response, of course, You're taking a frowny face, Alex.

Speaker 5:

No, I'm not, you just had a frowny lip out. You stuck your lip out.

Speaker 2:

No, i mean she's pregnant. Now the reason why I guess I had the frowny face was is because she's very concerned about the pregnancy, not because she's pregnant in from Bill, but she can't have kids supposedly, and now she's pregnant. So there's a lot of angst. There's a lot of layers to this.

Speaker 4:

There is, and the thing about it is that Fatima is only looking at worst case scenario things. Even Christie's like look, you've got a third year medical student, i'm a doctor, practically You could have been here without someone like me, so she's got that going for her. I mean, christie has learned a lot about emergency medicine.

Speaker 2:

And she's got Merilee, who's a pediatric nurse as well So it went, she's clean.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah. So once you know like she's gonna be in good hands and who knows who's gonna show up in the next nine months, but the thing to keep remembering, cause I'm like, oh yeah, all of a sudden she just pops up pregnant.

Speaker 4:

that's quick, she's been there for a year right, and Alice has been there for several months and they have fallen in love. I mean, alice gave her the best proposal, like tears, and she's not focusing on anything that's positive. She's, you know, like Donna says, you found the love of your life in this God-versaic and hell hole, right, and then, on top of it, you're gonna have a baby together, like you guys are doing great, like this is what everybody dreams of to you know, to meet someone, fall in love, have a family Maybe not everybody, but a lot of people do. And what does Donna say to her?

Speaker 2:

A miracle is just the other side of a nightmare, and I have to-.

Speaker 4:

That sounds like it needs to be a song.

Speaker 2:

It's just a beautiful-.

Speaker 5:

It's just the other side of a nightmare.

Speaker 2:

I just wanna pop this one up.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, oh, the Crominocle likes our podcast. No, loves our podcast.

Speaker 2:

Well, i'm glad the Crominocle does, because it's an important point to the story.

Speaker 4:

Did you know that the Crominocle is actually female?

Speaker 2:

How did you know that?

Speaker 4:

I dissected it. No, like I said, i've been going through season one and Ethan refers to the Crominocle as a she.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

And it made it very cute to me.

Speaker 2:

Well, that being said But that little.

Speaker 4:

Crominocle was adorable.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna get to that other point that you have a little bit later Crominocle but I promise we will, but right now we're at. The miracle is just the other side of a nightmare, and the one thing about Fatima and you had a chance to talk to her a little bit last week- Oh my God, I loved her.

Speaker 4:

She was amazing.

Speaker 2:

I didn't get to and I'm really upset about that because I had to do some work. But the thing about it is she's gonna try to answer some of those questions. She has changed so much this season and not for the better. She is such a her emotions are so heavy compared to last year where she was the upbeat optimistic.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, very optimistic, very happy, go lucky.

Speaker 2:

And it's all Jasmine's fault. It is all Jasmine's fault. Well, it's actually Jasmine's boyfriend's fault.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it was his fault. It's so weak But this is a really quick turn of events. But we know we live in the real world. That happens. Everything's going great, you're okay with things and all of a sudden your week goes to hell And that's what's happening to her. She all this crap stuff shows up Like a bus full of people come and she can't save the one some of them and she has to watch them be devoured and listen to that And it's horrific. And then to find out.

Speaker 4:

I think if she had found out, that she was pregnant in season one it would have been a good thing But given all the crap that's happened, like that has just fallen from the sky, it is not a good thing.

Speaker 2:

No, it isn't. But you know what? I think you started to see it, obviously, when she was at the post office, but when she was talking to Elgin, and it's just gotten progressively worse. Now we don't know when she started getting symptoms, because you have to remember, folks, this season is only a couple of days long, if a week, so we're not talking about a long time.

Speaker 4:

No, i mean she's been with Ellis at least maybe probably a month, two months, and that's all it takes. I mean it just takes that one perfect moment, but that's where they're at, So yeah.

Speaker 2:

Now let's get back to the bar. Do you wanna go to the bar?

Speaker 4:

I would love to go to the bar.

Speaker 2:

And the one thing I wanna say about our one of our favorite characters, jade, is we really haven't seen him that much this year, the season.

Speaker 4:

He's been flitting around. I mean, he's been there.

Speaker 2:

I mean he was playing the violin, but it just seems like he's not been as active.

Speaker 4:

I don't feel that way. I think that he has been very active.

Speaker 2:

He's had some pivotal things, like he goes to the car graveyard with Victor You know, I think he I don't think he's had as much face time, but the time he's had is important.

Speaker 4:

I disagree, but I just want more Jade.

Speaker 2:

I just need more Jade in my life, that's all. That's all you want. So Tabitha, yes, and from Knuckle the Jade is the official bartender of From. Took over from Tom. yes, There was a vacancy.

Speaker 4:

There was a vacancy. So, Tabitha finds him at the bar and he is rebuilding the stilt, because Tom was not an expert. He was not an expert distiller.

Speaker 2:

No, he wasn't.

Speaker 4:

It's amazing that no one went blind.

Speaker 1:

That's for sure.

Speaker 4:

But they certainly got blinded by drink, and so she's come to talk to him about things that he's seen, because she knows that he's had some visions. And Jade doesn't want to give it up easily, because I think she asked him about the Civil War soldier because Jim had come home and told her that he wigged out on him.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

At any rate, he's like you. Help me with the stilt and I'll tell you everything.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, he wants to help her.

Speaker 4:

Well, he does want the help but he needs. I think it kind of helps him think at the same time, because what happens if he's telling one story in the front of his mind? the back of his mind is working on this whole distillery system that he's trying to set up. So this serves a very good purpose for him. But he tells her about the Civil War soldier And then she talks about the fucking terrifying children that she's seen, and she's only seeing children. It's not necessarily the same children over and over, it's different groupings of the children. But she sees children And so he's like, if you help me, i'll talk, but there's no yelling.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know, I love that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and the thing is like I was thinking about why Jade was intent on fixing the stilt. I mean, i think one reason was probably because it was something that he could actually affect change with, but the other thing is that I'm starting to wonder if his mind works best in an altered state, because we had been watching him constantly either getting higher or high and he's out of his supply or he has no rolling papers or whatever, and now he's fixing the still so that he can drink.

Speaker 4:

And it made me wonder how his genius, genius, genius works. Is he a genius, or is he just damaged?

Speaker 2:

So I think he's a little bit of both personally, Yeah well, I mean, yeah, I mean. I loved when they were talking about what she knows and what he knows. He showed you the picture. Oh yeah, that's Victor in the background.

Speaker 4:

Oh, it took me a little bit longer to get that And I think it's because that's Jade He doesn't necessarily pay attention to people.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

And he tells her about the root cellar, he tells her about the Civil War guy, he tells her about Christopher and he was like that's the most terrifying thing ever. Yeah, which I'm like. I wonder why that was the most terrifying thing ever, Because I thought the guy in the root cellar and the Civil War guy with the dead bodies hanging on the trees were pretty terrifying.

Speaker 2:

I think the reason being is because of the symbol, and it's been part of the whole thing.

Speaker 4:

And the other thing is she notices that symbol now, Well, not notices it now, she remembers seeing it from In the basement, in the cave.

Speaker 2:

My point being is they're starting to see.

Speaker 4:

They're connecting on that.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, they're connecting.

Speaker 4:

He didn't mention the ventriloquist dummy, because it was the symbol and then the dummy.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

And I loved when he screamed at the thing, when it screamed at him.

Speaker 2:

Oh, i know he's getting aggressive.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. But she sees the book and she says I know what this is, i know where to find it. Like she was as shocked to see it in that book as he was to find out that it was real. It wasn't something that he just imagined or he was seeing. But the thing is, if that symbol is real, it's giving some validity to the other things that he's seen.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Now it calls that into question, because if one's real, maybe the other thing is.

Speaker 2:

No, I think it was an important scene because they both have an experience. She talked about the kids.

Speaker 4:

And Not a lot though, just that he's.

Speaker 2:

But, that she saw him, and then she talked about Thomas, but the fact that she's starting to express.

Speaker 4:

You know what I have an empathy for her.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you scared me there.

Speaker 4:

Sorry, but the thing is we didn't see it in Jade until that scene with him and Mrs.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Tian Chen. This is the second time he's really shown some empathy that there is a person in there.

Speaker 2:

That makes sense.

Speaker 4:

What if that's what's happening to him being there?

Speaker 2:

Well, he's got to learn how to play nice with other people, or else he's not going to survive, although he is living in the bar now, and the fact that he's living in the bar as opposed to Mrs Li's house says something.

Speaker 4:

It tells me who just wants to be alone.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to tell you right now, i don't think I could live in a place by myself, alone, in that town. No, i couldn't do it. I couldn't do it, maggie. What are we true about? Because I'd love to know. No, maggie said true, but I just don't know what we were true about, what point? But yeah, like I said, i think those two working together can do a lot of damage in a good way, in terms of finding out what's going on.

Speaker 4:

They're having similar experiences, so I think that's going to help move things along.

Speaker 2:

I think the next place that we have to go is with Mary Lee and Marielle Marielle and her withdrawal nightmare. So while they're doing all this autopsy she wakes up. she goes down the hall and all of a sudden she sees Smiley who's alive, and then Boyd's trying to shoot at him and she's having a friggin' nightmare. The thing about this whole Smiley thing that is so different is she heard the music box and she heard the music, and I think that that's important to this story because she does tell Christy at the end of the episode that she had withdrawals. she heard the music and she saw Smiley and he was trying to attack her.

Speaker 4:

She didn't have to tell Christy that she had withdrawals, because Christy saw that.

Speaker 2:

She said she had nightmares and that's what happened. She told her the whole story.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, she did. When we talked to Jamie, was it last week?

Speaker 2:

It was last week. Yeah, we're going to post that this week.

Speaker 4:

Okay, because he hinted. He's like it's not all. That's not the end of it. He hinted at that, but not saying that. The thing is Marielle, out of nowhere, has this crazy dream and it's very realistic. She sees Smiley and then Boyd starts shooting at him. She doesn't know that bullets don't work on these things. Right In her dream that's what's happening. Smiley's just like oh you know. and he keeps advancing until the point where he's like right in her face. Right.

Speaker 4:

But she turns, she starts to hear the music and she turns and she sees the music box. I don't know if they're just using the same music box or they're just. It would be interesting if all the music boxes were different. But it is not. It is that same music box with the amputated leg and it's black and it makes me want to get one and just paint it black and cut the leg off and glue it right next to where she's turning. But she's telling I mean she. The thing is like if this was out in the real world and she woke up and you know she was going through withdrawals and she told someone this dream, they wouldn't, they'd just be like oh, you know it's just like a fever dream. But here it holds significance because Boyd had the experience with the music box and at first they didn't know if it was real or not.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

And then they didn't know until Marielle. Marielle saw the worms first.

Speaker 2:

She was like oh my God.

Speaker 4:

And so then you know, we have this conversation with Julie and Elgin Elgin, sorry and Well, elgin says hey, can we go talk? Right, I think he kind of likes Julie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's kind of a fire. He likes Sarah and he wants he's going wherever the wind's going.

Speaker 4:

Well, sarah is crazy, so he was smart enough to take her off the menu right away. So, at any rate, they go down to the pool and they're standing there and he tells her about Smiley which Julie hasn't really seen Smiley and he's upset. He's trying to discuss the dream he had when they were pulling into town. And I don't know about you, but I know I've definitely had some prophetic dreams where I know I'm supposed to remember something and I can't remember it Right And it's important. Have you had?

Speaker 4:

that I mean I don't, i can't think of anything offhand, but I can't tell you anything offhand specific, but I know it's happened to me where the dream was important And I didn't. you know, i don't have those high stakes like he does. I mean, you know, given where he ended up. I mean, those stakes are pretty high. It's important for him to remember because he could solve something in this puzzle show.

Speaker 4:

Maybe, So, Elgin, What was Elgin saying What? What am I doing? All right, Oh okay. So, Elgin, you know he's trying to just basically confide in her and maybe just say it out loud so that he's less crazy.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

And I suggest to him that he go back to colony house and take a bath, fill the tub up and then submerge his ears and then just listen, because it sounds like the ocean Right. And it's interesting. I mean, I don't know about you, but I've done it, Like that's like.

Speaker 2:

I do. I go to a float tank, so I do this all the time.

Speaker 4:

Oh really.

Speaker 2:

And it's the most calming. It is very calming After the fact. when he does it, somebody's trying to pull him down and try to Push him down.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, i'm proud of him. I mean, i would stay like that If the water would just stay warm. I'd stay like that for hours.

Speaker 2:

That's what a small tank is.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's warm.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

That concerns me because other people are going to get in it and they're going to bring their germs.

Speaker 2:

Well no, they clean it.

Speaker 4:

Right, i mean, then again I get into a cold pool and a lot of bacteria just loves that temperature too. But I can float. Can you do the survival float?

Speaker 2:

If I have to survive.

Speaker 4:

Did you ever learn how to do the survival float in the pool.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Oh no, not that one.

Speaker 2:

No, i mean, i can float.

Speaker 4:

I can float for hours on my back and just float, and my ears are submerged and I look up at the sky and it is It's the most peaceful thing ever.

Speaker 2:

And yes, daphne, you have to take a shower first. Yes, you have to take a shower first before you go into the salt tank, and then you take a shower afterwards. Yeah, so Hold on The crominocle is spoken again. Tabitha should talk to Boyd and tell him where the tunnels are, so that they can go and try the new weapon. Do you think the worms got? Who knows? We're going to find out. I mean, we're going to find out where the worms are or if they are getting possessed by Merrily or Elgin. Good point, though.

Speaker 4:

I wonder if they can survive outside of a host. I'm kind of thinking they can't, since it went from Martin Well, it went from something into Sarah, it went from Martin into Boyd, into Smiley, so it makes me think that it needs some kind of liquid host. But then the only liquid we found in Smiley was bile, which is acidic. So I don't know if that's the answer either.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, that's true. Crominocle also goes on to say the creature appeared to Elgin. In the end. Look like Fatima. I don't know about that.

Speaker 4:

I might have to look back at that, but No, I can see that It looked like a dried up Fatima.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 4:

It just reminded me of a Mottigrow puppet or something like that.

Speaker 2:

No, no wait.

Speaker 4:

That wasn't really happened.

Speaker 2:

But then he also says Sarah didn't get worms, it was different. We don't know.

Speaker 4:

I was just looking at that today, and not necessarily the same worms that.

Speaker 2:

We don't know what Sarah has.

Speaker 4:

I was just looking at it today and they were like long before it formed into words. But maybe the worms can spell All right. So where are we going next?

Speaker 2:

Oh, the last thing that we're going to do, I believe, is So Jim is just walking around town.

Speaker 4:

No, he's not.

Speaker 2:

Well, he's just standing there after the conversation And then all of a sudden he sees a drone. A drone will whiz and buy him, and we find out that it's Randall who's on top of the bus because he's having his little party. He has his little party bus and he starts talking to Jim.

Speaker 4:

Well, jim, he doesn't just start talking to Jim, he buzzes Jim with the drone Right.

Speaker 2:

He was joking around, and then they start talking.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and Jim goes up to, because Jim sees that and it's an idea. And Jim, the first thing Jim does is he thanks him for helping him. And Randall says you're welcome, but goes directly into But you got those two other people killed. And Jim's like well, you didn't really have to say that, did you? You know like. And he's like look, you just came and thanked me. I said, hey, that's great, but that's not what he did, his.

Speaker 4:

The thing with Randall is he does not want to make friends here. He doesn't want anyone around him. So the more he treats people like crap, the chances go up that he's going to be left alone. And that's all he wants is to be left alone. But the next thing we know, jim's got him walking out down to that road where the camper is And they both go into the camper so Jim can get the antenna and starts talking about putting the antenna on the drone. And Jim calls him on his crap twice Because Jim's like take a walk with me out into the woods. So first, you know, he insults Jim by saying you got those two guys killed, but then he calls Jim a pervert. He's like a pervert.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, because he's like oh, can you walk with me down to the road? And he's like dude, you don't even know who I am. I'm not trying to be a pervert, i'm just trying to, you know.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, i mean Randall. It didn't work with the first thing. So Randall goes and pulls a higher card on Jim And Jim's like not going to be dissuaded, because he wants that, the drone, so he can get his antenna higher up into the sky. Let's see They as they're walking. Jim is telling him about experiments that have been done, the ones that have been declassified, and then comments like if this is what we know about the ones that they've declassified, what about the ones that they haven't?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

You know. So you know what is in there, you know. And so when they're in there in the what do you call it? the RV, you know Randall's like. So One thing you haven't really considered is that if this is really going on, that we're being watched. What are the odds that some of the people here are the watchers?

Speaker 2:

Who's the mole?

Speaker 4:

I mean, I thought, I really still do think it was Tom It could be Donna. It could be Donna.

Speaker 2:

It couldn't be Dale. He's not smart enough.

Speaker 4:

But that could be his game.

Speaker 2:

It could be. It could be Clara.

Speaker 4:

Clara Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you know, i mean, and I'd love to know what from the people that are watching, you know who do you think the mole could be? Because you've got all these characters. You've got, you know, mrs Lew with her T, you've got her son, you've got a whole bunch of people that it could be And there could be multiple moles, absolutely Yeah.

Speaker 4:

And they, you know, and they don't necessarily know about the other one.

Speaker 2:

You know, they could all be there being blackmailed to do something against their will.

Speaker 4:

It's possible. It's highly possible, yeah. So anyway, when Randall said that to Jim, i had a revelation or an epiphany, whichever one, and I was like, oh my God, donna is one of the people watching And not only Donna, but someone else And I was like, all right, well, i did a little bit. I didn't really get into this deeper Now it makes me wanna go back and watch all the episodes and pick up all the instances.

Speaker 2:

Daily Info says Tilly is the mole and Sarah is being used. I don't think Tilly's the mole. I think personally. I think Tilly is just a nosy old lady that just happened to be there. I'm sorry, i didn't mean to cut you off.

Speaker 4:

I think Tilly is part of that. Tilly is a facilitator, slash instigator. There was nothing for her to facilitate or instigate this time around. But going back to Donna now she is sitting and we've talked about this, the big house on the hill but looks down on the town right Now. Donna has been there for about six months and she's established that colony house. So Crominoco thinks she could be a mole for the good side could be. But she establishes the colony house, environment, atmosphere And it's a good place to be And she has control over that. And there's people that live down in the town, but no one too crazy. Nothing really goes down down in that town. People go down and they eat dinner or breakfast and lunch at the diner and Mrs Lou is there working all day with Sarah And you know Boyd is running around doing his share of things just checking in on people And you know Kenny is just following him right along. There's nothing much going on down there. Nope.

Speaker 4:

And then the Matthews family shows up, and so what happens is that she's like crap. I can't handle what's going on up here and what's going on down there. I need someone to be down there watching that. And then in comes the bus And you know, there's things that we don't see, i'm sure, because that's life. I don't see everything that goes on in your house. You don't see everything that goes on in mine. What happens is there's someone on that bus that can watch what's going on in that town. Now we've got Randall, who's got a lot of wonderful things missing in his personality. And then we've got Donna, who everybody reveres, right? Donna is used to being in charge. Randall doesn't want to be told what to do. They bump heads. Donna takes Randall and she puts him on the bus down in the town. Who's to say that wasn't all orchestrated? They fought publicly. Every time they went head to head there were tons of people around watching how they did not get along.

Speaker 2:

Well, also that's a question you can ask Randall this week when we interview him.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that would be interesting. So at any rate, he's sitting there. He doesn't sit inside the bus.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

He puts a seat on top of the bus and he watches what's going on down in that town. Right, Who's been running around mouth and off about how someone's listening to us? Well, it must be Jim. How can I get Jim's attention With?

Speaker 4:

the trunks Of technology that Jim can exploit. So to make sure that Jim sees that technology, he buzzes him And then he they create a little. It's not a friendship because Randall does not want to be bothered. His job is to watch what's going on in that town and he is just a watcher. But he needs to plant a seed in Jim, because you see Jim's face when Randall said that to him.

Speaker 4:

He was like holy fuck, i never even thought of that. Never even thought of that. So he just throws that monkey wrench in there. Meanwhile, donna is up at the colony house. One of her jobs is to make sure that they've got crops growing and that they can feed everybody. That's one of her jobs, right? She can run the people up there and Randall can run the people down in the town. And I think what happened was at some point maybe it was before she arrived there with her sister. Maybe she too had a dream and she couldn't remember everything.

Speaker 2:

Who knows, maybe that's what her and Elja Well, to your point and I'm not saying I believe this, one of the things that she says to Ethan last week was because he asked well, what about? what about everything falling in? And she said as long as your mom doesn't start digging holes into the thing, you'll be fine.

Speaker 4:

Right, exactly. And then I'm not, you know Start digging holes again. Let me just add that digging holes, right. So I mean she made that comment, when it's very similar to the comment that she heard on the radio And for all we know, you know, she reported out and she was the only one that heard the radio. Aside from Jim, she was the only one right And so and then when her and Jim talked about that, i saw a real fear in her face, like don't fucking say anything.

Speaker 2:

Like I hope that's not it. I really like the Crominocle story. I like the Crominocle.

Speaker 4:

But that doesn't mean the Crominocle story goes away. It doesn't mean that it goes away at all. I think that at some point prior to her and her sister's arrival, she, when she was watching that happen to her sister, she was like, oh my God, this is familiar. This goes back to my dream. This goes back to what I was told, something like that. And she was allowed to live, almost like. She was told that she wasn't going to die when they stopped, like that It was just gonna be her sister And to run out and find a bush to hide the time.

Speaker 4:

I mean, i wouldn't think that you'd be safe in a bush. But she survived the night in a bush until the next morning. Right, she was quick to get down to town to warn everybody on the bus about getting inside at night. Right, she needed to keep the new people alive because Randall was on that bus and she needed Randall there to do his job because he is part of the experiment, just like her. I have one more thing. I think one reason why she was overjoyed at Fatima being pregnant is because Ellis was not supposed to be stabbed, that it happened on her watch, when she wasn't there keeping an eye on things that you know maybe there's a bigger plan for them huh there might be a bigger plan for those might be a bigger plan for Ellis, because Abby goes nuts and then Boyd is choice forced to choose between his son and his wife.

Speaker 4:

Ellis needed to be saved, and that's the thing with Fatima, because she says to Fatima good job, good job getting him down to the hospital, good job, right, that was one of it. And then Fatima pops up pregnant. It kind of like outweighs Ellis being nearly killed. This, this just came to me.

Speaker 2:

Well, here's the question for you do you think Tabitha and Jim have different? different theories may ruin their relationship?

Speaker 4:

Yes, that's what's driving them apart right now. He's convinced someone is listening to them, that something like he is on that while she's dealing with her own crisis.

Speaker 2:

Okay, what about Elgin being an unwilling mole?

Speaker 4:

Maybe he just hasn't, maybe maybe he could be I, just because he he seems to think he needs to do something, but he can't remember what it is, and I think that, remember, he thinks that, that the water is significant, and I think that when the time comes, he'll know what he needs to do.

Speaker 2:

Right now. I know people have said this theory about the Red Wedding. We'll say I mean we don't know yet, but that said do you have any other? notes.

Speaker 2:

That was everything because it's gonna put final thoughts. I mean, we do have some feedback which we're gonna play folks and we have some reading feedback and then we have some other feedback. But before we get to that, i just want to tell everybody we do have an Etsy shop now selling things like stickers and some a couple of different shirts and mugs, and you can go to the. If you go to Etsy and and type in what is from shop, you can get that Actually.

Speaker 4:

I have the bracelets. The two bracelets. I have them with me, alright, so when I think I found my camera, one of them says from as you can see, there you go and then on the inside it'll tell you a location where someone is from. So it could be like this happens to be where Donna is from Bozeman, montana. That's where she was, or it could be where you're actually from. And then the other one is hashtag from a Lee, and you can have your name on the inside. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

I'm sorry you can't see it, but if you go to our website, the what is from shop on Etsy, etsy, not Etsy you'll be able to see pictures.

Speaker 2:

Alright, so let's try to get to some feedback and I'm getting a lot of feedback. What's that?

Speaker 4:

I've got a lot of feedback.

Speaker 2:

Why don't you read some of your feedback and then we'll do a couple of calls and whatever.

Speaker 4:

Okay, i am gonna start with Kelly Burgess, and some of this is dated. We missed feedback one week, so she says finally got caught up. Kelly, i know the feeling. So did they discover a way to fight the monsters or was it a one-time thing? I was worried about Ellis. Glad they were able to save him. I really think it'd be horrible for him to go out like that. Oh my god, yes, kelly. What kind of repercussions will that bring at colony house? Boyd's leniency with Sarah might have opened up a can of worms, it seems. Looking forward to getting caught up in the on the podcast as well, i think.

Speaker 4:

Penny Lennox might have done tape right, no.

Speaker 4:

Alright, because I don't have her here. I don't see Penny here. I'm a newscaster, alright. So Cara Latio-Less or no Latio-Lay, maybe glad to be caught up so I can join the Fromily. This show is so grim. The set design and lighting is all dilapidated and overgrown, the houses are dirty and the sky is perpetually overcast. The characters and writing have a lot of work to do to push through all that gloom. I'm a particular fan of Donna get in line. Cara Love her bluntness and pragmatism, and watching Boyd and Ellis together is healing the Michael and Walt hole in my heart. Oh, my god, i know Really enjoyed this episode, whichever one. This was not sure I was a little worried about Ellis there, but I'm glad he made it. What a stupid way to die that would be. The way the scene of the van heading to the clinic was shot was brilliantly, brilliantly done, very video game-esque and really contributed to the tension of the scene. I felt like I was in the van. What about you?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, i thought it you know what?

Speaker 4:

that would be a great ride at Universal. Yeah, i kept expecting something to pop up and hit the windshield. The camel work and the generally realistic portrayal of the treatment of medical emergencies both help keep me sucked into this show. I you know it's like a cross between ER and like X files. I'm also liking Jim's theory that this is some kind of test experiment, more and more The storm seemingly coming out of nowhere The voice-naming Jim on the radio, the house collapsing, the scarcity of food, etc.

Speaker 4:

Certainly makes it seem like somebody or something is pulling the strings, but who or what could that be One thing. What is with people on the show Questioning each other when anything's new and weird You guys are trapped in an un-plotable town with monsters who rip people apart.

Speaker 4:

But it's somehow crazy if somebody traveled via tree or has worms crawling under their skin. Come on, y'all, you're living in a horror movie. I suggest it just goes to show that once you acclimate to a new normal and accept the existing crazy, your brain desperately clings to maintaining that status quo and ignoring new challenges to your reality. Alright, karen stole Maderos. No, not smiley. Ha. Love this episode, although Jim is getting a little annoying. He might be on to something with his theory, but he's getting on my nerves. Kenny was amazing in this episode. He really stepped it up. I also like the scene where he opened up about worrying about Boyd's health and how it's bringing up emotions about his dad's decline. He seemed to still feel like Boyd was a father figure to him. I really hope we get to see Boyd as a grandfather. I love his relationship with a Fatima too. Listening to the pod now. Thank you, lizzie and Alex, for the phenomenal coverage of the show. You are so welcome.

Speaker 2:

Well, before you get to your next one, i want to. I want to do one of our callers. Okay, first is we're gonna do is Courtney from South Jersey. Here you go.

Speaker 7:

Lizzie and Alex. Hey, it's Courtney. It's been a long while, oh my gosh. So, oh yeah, i'm not chick from South Jersey, i'm like duh, in case you guys forgot, okay so so I was gonna respond to your episode after the last time you guys put me on and then I was like you know what, i'm gonna give other people a chance to respond and say their thing. and then I think the week after that, if it wasn't that specific week, you guys had like some of the actors and actresses from the show come on and I was like, oh my god, that's so amazing.

Speaker 7:

So I actually didn't catch up with your episodes past that. But to keep it short and simple, i'm just going to keep it short and simple. Oh, excuse me, i just got off work like 30 minutes ago. I'm still trying to get my mind right. So I'm about to watch the last three episodes of From, just to See if there was anything that I missed, and just so that my mind is like, really there with the show, like this is, i'm obviously obsessing over this show. I take it very serious when I binge watch a show. Okay, so my quest? no, first of all, i have a comment.

Speaker 7:

I really loved the fact that Boyd's arms squirms served a purpose, because I was really terrified that they were gonna take over him, that he was gonna turn into one of those creatures, or, like I had no idea what was going. This episode it was called Pa de do, pa de do I don't know how to pronounce that, but I know it's French. It's probably not even French. Okay, the ballerina creeped me out. Every time I seen her she creeped me out. But I really loved the fact that Boyd had this amazing, freaking idea to pass on his arms squirms to the creatures.

Speaker 7:

Now, i really thought that the creature was gonna like get up at some point, but like psych, like that didn't do anything to me. Like when he started, like oh my god, when he like when Boyd held his hand up to I'm gonna call him the boss, because for some reason I feel like he was like a boss or something or like the head of the little creature group and the arms squirms went into him. I thought the monster was joking like. I thought he was like just playing a game. So the fact that the end of the episode, boyd was like staring out the window of the door and Kenny was like is he dead and Boyd is like we're gonna find out soon enough. I know that's right. Yes, watch him, see if he twitches, see if he gets up, but I think he actually died because I don't know, i feel like he's actually dead. I mean, i'm hoping he's actually dead, because you can't really predict anything with this show. Every time you predict something it goes a different way.

Speaker 2:

But um, that was really so yeah, thank you, courtney from South Jersey. Do you have another one or you want to play another piece of feedback?

Speaker 4:

I just have two short ones, okay done okay all right. So Des Combs writes the episodes keep getting creepier and creepier. The scene in the van had me stressed, man. I kept waiting for something to hit the windshield. Poor one out for our dear friend. This episode hashtag justice for smiley. And then Alma Contreras says Alma.

Speaker 5:

Alma, this was a really intense episode. I was very worried about losing Ellis. That whole scene with them trying to get to the clinic had me at the edge of my seat. Poor boy does kind of becoming unhinged with all of his hallucinations, though I have liked having father country back so the squirmy blood can kill those monsters. That scene with boy passing the squirmy blood was a huge gamble and I'm glad it worked. I can't wait to watch the next episode. Ps, that ballerina was creepy as fuck all righty, we got.

Speaker 2:

We got two more pieces of feedback, folks. One is from this guy.

Speaker 1:

We call him live Steve, and here we go all right, alex and Lizzie, this is Steve and this is for pause date. I don't know how to say French. Weren't there like a bunch of chairs and stuff in the church? oh, we got a music box. This is scary. They're a full-boy creepy ballerina girl. Is doesn't seem right, okay. And now we woke up on the floor. Oh, so I don't the whole thing with Mario and Christie. Yeah, we knew she's a junkie and now she knows, but they've never had fall, they never had winter, they never had any seasons here in from land. Yeah, and this isn't the whole. Me closer, tiny dancer kind of ballerina move. She's creepy. And Jim still thinks this is somebody's experiment.

Speaker 1:

Dude, jumpy munch, you almost shot mariel. Be careful with that weapon. He just stabbed Ellis. Oh no, wait, boy was in the hospital. Did he make it back to the church before? I don't understand. Was this another vision he's having of the father, the priest? no, yeah, he's still in the hospital because he's downstairs now. Oh no, elgin, is that what this new character's name is? this is not gonna bode well for you, but I'm glad you're trying to help Ellis and Fatima. Okay, these rates or shriekers, or whatever we're calling them, are not moving as fast as they have before, because they would have been all over this van, okay, so they made it to the clinic and now we're back inside with mariel and Christie.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that was tense. Ellis had blood in his lungs. I, oh, so other people can see the, the stuff in Boyd's arm. Now, oh, boyd Kenny was willing to sacrifice himself. And now you're outside. What are you gonna do? oh, is it working? is he is his? those things actually going into smiley, oh, and now they're all avoiding Boyd and going after smiley. Just, they're just surprised. They're looking at him. Forget, is it? oh, negative, that's the universal donor, or positive, that's the universe? I, it doesn't matter. So they both have a negative, it's fine. Oh, this is a sweet moment between Donna and what's little boy's name? is it Ethan? yeah, ethan, i think who? so maybe it is dead.

Speaker 2:

All right, talk to you later well, steve, you never disappoint, and the last piece of feedback that we have is from Jody and I know she wasn't feeling too good. She got the COVID, so our international desk has been a little quiet. But, folks, if you guys are looking to send feedback in, you can always send it to the podcast and via via Facebook on PICASTICA or on our from email or on talks at PICASTICAcom, which I don't have in front of me right now. But our last piece of feedback is going to be from Jody, so let's hear what she has to say hi Lizzie and Alex.

Speaker 6:

It's Jody from Australia here with my feedback for from season 2, episode 6. I have to apologize for the way my voice sounds. I'm recovering from COVID and I still have the cough of death. I lost my voice a few times while I was sick. It's still coming back and I sound like a maniac. So my serious apologies for that.

Speaker 6:

So for this episode, i absolutely love Jim's developing theory and I'm totally with him, and not just because I think he's sexy. I think they are in a controlled environment. Someone is watching them and possibly experimenting on them to see how they react to certain stimuli. I've kind of been thinking that since season one. It's pretty clear the stress levels for everyone are ratcheting upwards. But what's with Dave just randomly stabbing people with his piss like come on, control yourself, buddy? and now they have a big problem now because, boy, he doesn't punish the Sarah for being a murderer, so they can't really do anything to Dave either. So their pseudo legal slash punishment system is really getting out of whack.

Speaker 6:

I really thought Ellis was gonna die in Fatima's arms and I found the van ride to the clinic incredibly stressful I'm so glad they made it and boy confronting the monsters and neutralizing one with whatever Martin put in his blood was absolutely wild and dying. To see if Mr smiley is still there come morning and whether they can work out is what happened. That will be really interesting. And finally, i'm so excited that Fatima might be pregnant and given where she lives, i really shouldn't be. But that's the end of my observations this week, just short and sweet. I can't wait to hear what you guys think of the episode.

Speaker 2:

Talk soon well, hopefully she is feeling better. And yes, maggie, we love, we love, love, love Jodi, with her Australian accent and she is the head of the international desk and all I can say Jodi, cough drops, cough drops.

Speaker 2:

January, and I'm still on cough drops well, that being said, we are pretty much done. You know Sunday is from day, but if you guys like the podcast and you want to support us, you know he's good a buzzsprout on our supporter line as well, as hit that subscribe button with that bell. And one other thing is, like I said to you guys before, we do have that Etsy shop and that's also going to be in the show notes as well. Next week we are going to be covering season two. Yes, season two, episode eight, i believe the name of the title is called the forest in the forest for the trees, and are we going to be on on Sunday night? I don't know yet. We don't know yet. So this might be a one-time deal. This might be a one-time year regular but we are.

Speaker 2:

We are so thankful that you guys spent the time and, you know, came out and listened to us and your, your thanks for doing. All this comes down to one thing we're gonna let that the head of the committee, of the secret committee of people that are the drones are gonna take us out. So let me just find that right about now and see you next week. Get your home let's go, come on. Get in your house, let's go, come on.

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