What Is From 'Cast? A Podcast About "From" on MGM+

39. Conversation with A.J. Simmons A.K.A. Randall on the Mysterious World of MGM+ FROM

June 11, 2023 Alex & Lizzie Season 2 Episode 39

What is FROM'cast with Alex and Lizzie sat down with A.J. Simmons A.K.A. Randall and his thoughs of joining this second season of #FROM  Find out in this episode of the What is From podcast as they share their experiences on set and give us an inside look at their mysterious character, Randall. They discuss the warm welcome from the cast and crew, as well as the challenges of stepping into an already established show. 

Listen in as Lizzie and Alex provide insight into Randall's motivations, his tough exterior, and his issues with authority. They also explore his softer side when it comes to his nephew and other close relationships. Will Randall be able to handle the monsters in Framley, and could he be the town's secret mole? Don't miss this engaging conversation with Lizzie and Alex as they give us a glimpse into the complex world of FROM and its inhabitants!

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Speaker 1:

This is Lizzie and he's Alex and we're from the What is From podcast. My first question is I know you're new, but what has been your experience with Framley so far?

Speaker 2:

I mean wonderful. It's a wonderful organized chaos. I think it's what it's been. Yeah, and I. It's been a great experience and working with these guys and coming into something you know as a second season. You know it was a bit like oh kind of daunting, you know as a machine that's already operating and I'm an outsider coming in, but I just created the personally. Everybody was super warm and welcoming and yeah, it's great.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's awesome. I'm glad to hear it. Um, so now for the real questions. Was there a particular interest with Jim?

Speaker 3:

For Randall.

Speaker 1:

Randall buzzes him with the drone, so was there a reason why he wanted to get Jim's attention?

Speaker 2:

I mean to me. no, i honestly just think that Randall was just trying to make the time pass and he's just, he's a bit of a dick. So it's just let's fly it by someone and see how it goes. You know what I mean. And then from that, you know, had a chat with Jim and was like, oh, jim's kind of got some interesting things to say and see where this goes And maybe we can, you know, help each other out a little bit, you know a happy accident Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh was it happy.

Speaker 2:

We will see, we will see, exactly So.

Speaker 3:

That being said, you start out helpful. Yeah, you're very helpful. We think you there's great guy, and then all of a sudden you start pulling guns in the diner and then you get thrown out. Randall, just have a problem with authority, or is it a bigger issue?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, whatever gave you that idea, man problems with authority, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's just, yeah, i don't. I think, look, it's a high stress situation. If I'm thinking about it, i'm like, right, well, it gets to a town where you can't leave and there's these things that come out at night. There's a bunch of crazy people waving shotguns around saying you can't leave. But Randall, being who he is, i feel like authority or not. It's like he's not just going to stand around and accept this BS from these people. You know what I mean. So I feel like he has good in him. For sure, he's very capable of it, but you've got to earn that trust, you know, and these people like, as wonderful as they are, no one loved the characters, but to him he doesn't know them from Adam. Do you know what I mean? So it's like, realistically, until they start, it's a give and take and he's not getting a whole lot of give in his, in his view.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, So, that said, you have one of the greatest scenes with one of our favorite characters, which is Donna. You know, she wheels her ass, acts at you and then she throws you into the bus. I know, i know Lizzie has this question that she's dying to ask you, so why don't you ask it? so I don't steal your thunder.

Speaker 1:

All right, thank you, all right. So what I want to know was what was Randall's first thought when Donna told him that he would be a mole, live in the bus and watch the town?

Speaker 2:

Probably just saw happy days. Great Cheers. It's a good time. It's a good time to get away from you nutters. This is great. I'm going to just sit and hang out, you know. Yeah, i think he's quite relieved, honestly.

Speaker 3:

You're a loner.

Speaker 1:

All right Yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So you purposely glossing over the fact that you're a mole?

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's not gonna say he's a mole, but I'm not gonna say he's not a mole. You know what I mean? Okay, yeah, yeah, i mean all right, yeah, yeah Okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, all right, you're getting on the hard seat here, so that's it.

Speaker 2:

Because the mole talk is coming out like crazy, like who's who Yeah, no, it's, it's cool seeing, seeing you know the family actions of these things. Um, you just have to wait and see how it goes, okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm there for it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i love. I love the fact that he has this little porch And I love the fact that in this season, you're kind of one of the people that's really aggressive against the monsters. Yeah, so is that just frustration of the situation or he's just such a tough guy? Because it's, it's just such a great interaction.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i don't know, man, i think it's part of just part of his personality And you know as well, like he hasn't, he hasn't seen any of these people, like people that changed to the creatures change, yet He hasn't seen it. So, regardless of that being real or not, like I think in him he's, he's just capable of, you know, standing up for himself and doing you know what he has to do to to get on the other side of things. But yeah, i think. Yeah, I mean, he's a bit tough. Right, you can say that he's a bit tough, but is he tough enough to the deal with a monster? We'll have to wait and see, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i mean, i don't know if anyone's that tough I mean actually. No, i take that back. Boyd was pretty tough, but going back like we don't really know anything about your, your backstory. So is there anything that you formulated that has created this tough guy exterior with the somewhat marshmallow center that you just bump up against authority whenever you can like. No one can tell you anything. I mean, yeah, i think.

Speaker 2:

I think Rand was a complicated guy, you know, and he's definitely had some trials and tribulations in his life. but you know he's, he does, you know, like his nephew and other things. you know he he has things that are precious and close to him. I think authority may be just people in general, like he's been quite disappointed in the past by people. So I think it's it's only natural that he's grown to be the, the Randall that you see now that's quite standoffish And then you drop him into this from town, kind of whatever the hell this is, you know it just makes it, it just becomes like a really potent, heightened version of who he is.

Speaker 2:

You know, but yeah, so yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, you have a lot of mayhem and destruction by doing what you're doing. Thank you so much. You know we can't wait to see you Sunday. Thank you, guys, man, thank you, thank you. You're more from you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, likewise man. You guys take good care Yeah.

Speaker 1:

You too Thanks.

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