What Is From 'Cast? A Podcast About "From" on MGM+

46. FROM Season 1 & 2 Embracing the Holidays Ready for rewatch

January 04, 2024 Podcastica with "Alex & Lizzie" Season 2 Episode 46

As we shake off the frost of our break and charge headlong into the heart of the series, we're not just rewinding the tape for nostalgia's sake. Your fellow enthusiasts, Hannah Cheromey and Alex, are about to unearth the labyrinth of secrets that our beloved show conceals. With the chill of the Canadian winter as the backdrop to our musings, we dissect the end of the actor's strike and its impact on production, while also igniting discussion on the elusive new entity and Tabitha's uncertain fate. And as I celebrate the milestone of my fifth book's first draft and tease the possibility of a new series, we beckon you to join our Sunday tradition, brimming with episode releases and exclusive content, including a homage in poster form and candid pre-season cast conversations.

The web of intrigue tightens as we recall the pivotal car scene with Julie and Ethan, now seen through the lens of foresight, knowing the twists season two unfurls. Theories abound from our vibrant listener community, with Martha from Facebook leading the charge, as we anticipate guest insights into Marvel's 'What If' and 'Echo' series from Sydney—and possibly Lizzie. We scrutinize Donna's enigmatic story arc, drawing parallels to literary titans while debating if she's a pawn in a larger game, and reflect on the shadowy aftermath of the Colony House invasion.

Our final chorus rings out with a heartfelt embrace of the holiday season, encouraging all to savor the festivities—or the quiet—in their own unique way. While we bid adieu to the year, we look forward to what the future holds for our characters and their tangled loyalties. So, grab your holiday drink of choice, cozy up, and let us, including our favorite bell ringer, guide you into the new year with stories that promise to captivate and entertain.

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Check out Alex and Lucy on Daddy Daughter BookWorms:

Check out Lizzie on Brains Gone Bad: http://directory.libsyn.com/shows/view/id/brainsgonebad
Check out Lizzie’s book series, Lizzie’s Lost Girls at: https://shorturl.at/cijOP

Podcastica. Fun, in-depth talk about great TV.

Speaker 1:

Hi there, my name is Hannah Cheromey. This is the what is Fromcast podcast on the podcastica network. Welcome to the show. My name is Alex and happy from miss. Christmas from miss. I don't know what that is, but cheese fromage.

Speaker 1:

Pretty much that's what we are doing, and I know it's been a couple of minutes since we've been on, but we are back and we are getting ready for our rewatch. So we wanted to get on here and tell everybody what we are doing. And, folks, if you haven't already hit that subscribe button at the bottom and tell a friend, folks, it is going to be a great ride because we have 20 episodes coming and we're kind of hoping that's going to bring us right into season three. Lizzie, what have you been up to?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Okay, so that's our podcast. We'll see you later and you guys have a great day.

Speaker 3:

Not totally true. I finished the first draft of my fifth book, which will end my current series.

Speaker 1:

Awesome, yeah. What are you feeling about that?

Speaker 3:

I have very mixed feelings. I think I will start another series on the same characters, but I don't know. Who knows, who knows? Yeah, I mean, I have a book about the Salem witches that I have to finish. So you know, I'll think about it after I've got that one done.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's awesome and I know a lot of listeners can't wait to see that or read that new book. Really.

Speaker 1:

All five of them. All five listeners will actually want to read that book. And, folks, we know the Christmas season is coming, so nothing says I love you like an Etsy type item from the what is From shop. We've got coffee mugs and we've got bracelets and we've got shirts oh my, and although my red sweatshirt is on, I'm just a little cold right now I do have my from a leash shirt on, and if you just search on Etsy what is from shop, you can get all that awesome, awesome stuff. So we found out this week or last week that the actors are back, the strike is over and we are ready to go and they're starting to do a little behind the scenes stuff. What do you? What's your expectation for winter in Canada?

Speaker 3:

I think it's going to be cold. I mean, you know, being on the East Coast like I am, a storm went through here last night. You know it was kind of crazy, very windy. It was slamming my heavy wooden like stockade fence gate which I didn't know was open.

Speaker 1:

Oh nice.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like it's like slam, slam them. I just couldn't figure out what that was. I didn't want to go outside. I saw it this morning and I was like, oh well, that explains that you know big limbs down in the yard. Thankfully they didn't hit anything on the way down and that was good so that's yeah, it's going to be.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be interesting if they incorporate snow.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, wait a minute, did they? They talked about the leaves changing. Right Said something about the leaves changing and that never having happened. Before they're going back, the leaves are gone at this point and it's full on winter, pretty much. It's going to be some miserable filming. I mean, I'm looking forward to that outdoor work. You know myself, hopefully I'll be working like crazy. Next year. There'll be a lot of that. I know there was a couple of episodes where Harold Sheriff Boyd.

Speaker 3:

I'm like drawing a blank where he's talking to somebody and you can see his breath. So they've filmed in lower temperatures before, but it's right. It's in where I am. It just it's either really cold or it's really hot. We don't really get a lot of in between.

Speaker 1:

No, absolutely, and and hopefully we do get the Elements involved, and I'd love to see how the monsters are affected. And you know, the bottom line is, the big questions that we're gonna have to answer is one what's the next entity that they're gonna be facing? Because they said there was another Entity of some kind, and where Tabitha is, and we have 20 episodes to dissect all that stuff and we can't wait for the listeners to join the conversation and give all the theories that they've been talking about in all the Facebook forums and the Reddit and Twitter and all the other, all the other outlets that are out there. When we decided to do this rewatch, I mean, it's gonna. It's gonna be good notes for us too, you know well, that's what I'm looking forward to.

Speaker 3:

I have been wanting to do a rewatch for a while because there are certain things that I thought I remembered but I wasn't sure. And this is given that it's a puzzle show. There's gonna be all these little Easter eggs and new wants is, and clues and and things that you wouldn't necessarily Notice the first time. Through it being a new show, you aren't really sure where it's going. You're getting one episode a week. So this is going to be pretty interesting to do this rewatch and there's questions that I have in mind. Basically, I there was just one scene this season, this last season, that just got me thinking and I feel like I'm standing out in a field alone with this, but Thinking that Donna is a mole and.

Speaker 3:

I want to look for clues For that, and there may not be clues for that, but I want to look for clues for that. That's one of the things I what's one of my little projects, what about? You. What are you looking for?

Speaker 1:

I'm just looking for. What did we miss on the first watch in terms of Knowing how it all plays out? How does how does it kind of fit together? Yeah and is there something that we Look glossed over Back on the first watch, that we just didn't, we just didn't understand the meaning of it right away?

Speaker 3:

I think that I'm sorry, or even caught that there it was meaningful.

Speaker 1:

Exactly exactly. You know there's a lot and and I'm I'm not as detail-oriented as a lot of the listeners are, and I'm certainly not as detail-oriented as you.

Speaker 3:

But I'm not even that detail-oriented.

Speaker 1:

But you know, I mean I'm looking at my notes From the last time we we podcasted. You know we had cicadas, we had the echo kids, we had, you know, donna's, the mole, the lighthouse, tabitha, victor's last gift to Tabitha, the faraway tree, and about his mom. You know, what does that all mean? Why was there seven kids? You know, seven kids and the symbol, and and Where's Jade? Is he ever gonna come back?

Speaker 3:

and what other proclivities does he have? What?

Speaker 1:

other proclivities. I mean, you know what? What's Jim gonna get himself into again? Will smiley come back? Will? I Can't think of her character. But the other monster, yeah, jasmine, what? If she? Will she come back? And you know what? Really, you know what? What other, what other goodies are we gonna find? Because we're just gonna, we're just gonna, I'm just taking it as it comes and you know we've, you know how can we? Can we dive in a little bit more with the music, because music really didn't play as much of a part?

Speaker 3:

Oh no, you're wrong. I mean, it's still. The music was there from the beginning.

Speaker 1:

No, season one yes, but season two not as much. I don't think. I mean, you know, but again, that's why we, we're gonna break it all down, you know? And then, and then what? What does everybody have to say about it? Because I Sorry no no, no, go, go go.

Speaker 3:

I wanna know what our listeners are going to be looking for. What questions are they going to be looking to try to answer, try to flesh out. Will they get new questions along the way?

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, I think as much as everything has its purpose in the show, I think there's some more. There's more red herrings than not.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I mean, everything doesn't have the meaning that we think it does. You know, when we do get that first trailer, that trailer is designed to make us feel a certain way and then, when you see the scene, it doesn't necessarily make you feel the same way because you don't have the. You know, you finally have the context of everything and I think that there's something to be said for that. But you know, we've talked about this rewatch for a while. I know, with the strike we were thinking about doing it then, but I didn't think it was the right time because people just weren't ready.

Speaker 1:

And now that award season is here, you know, people are kind of getting back into it and I know I should have probably said this at the top of the show. But we need to congratulate both Harold and Katrina for what, I'm sorry, catalina, oh my God, I was gonna say Tabitha Catalina and Harold for getting their huge nomination, as well as the director, jack Bender, and the show even yeah, you know it's not the Emmys, but it's Hollywood critics, and that's what this is about. You know, how many times have we seen an article? The best show that nobody's watched? Which?

Speaker 3:

it makes me so sad when I see that, but you know it's there to be discovered and I checked before we got on tonight. I remember before the show or when the show premiered, I'm not clear on the details, but Amazon had season one up and so you could watch season one for free. Right now, I think, you get episode one in season one for free.

Speaker 1:

Well, they'll probably do something. They'll probably do something before the season starts.

Speaker 3:

Right, but you know, right now the only way to watch the show is either to subscribe to MGM Plus or to Paramount. Buy it on huh.

Speaker 1:

Or Paramount if you're in Canada.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay, or buy it on Amazon.

Speaker 1:

Right. So, or depending on whatever your platform is. But the other thing I did wanna do is wanna thank the listeners, cause you know we were talking before the show about cause we haven't been really talking as much as we normally do. Oh, and we're on a set, you're all a stranger to me. I know, you know she's been cheating on me with all these other guys Really Well, you know.

Speaker 3:

Was I awake for that?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. But, that said, you know we wanna thank you because we have over 50,000 downloads of the podcast and that didn't happen overnight. I know you know you like to listen to the podcast a lot and you probably are like 49,000 of them, but the other thousand are, they're strong and I just wanna thank everybody because that's pretty effin' cool, yeah, that people take the time every week when we're on a regular schedule to make sure that they wanna hear what we have to say. And right now our number one download is the finale of last season of, yeah, season two, season two, followed by our first podcast ever, which was a lot different than it is now, that's for sure.

Speaker 3:

No, you know, the first podcast you do is often you're just like in a dark room trying to find the light switch.

Speaker 3:

You know, it's something that evolves over time where you and I hadn't podcasted together, so we were just trying to figure out. You know what our places would be in this entity and I think we've kind of settled in. But there's always room for change, which I like, and you know we're talking about this amazing, amazing show that I can't get enough of. I'm excited to go back and visit again that first day. You know when they're driving down the road and you know Julie's scaring the crap out of Ethan and you know killing the problem.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much all of that. And then the accident and Jade and Toby landing, and it's just.

Speaker 1:

There's just so much and and I can't wait to really dive into that first couple of episodes because, again, knowing what we know now in season two, I can't wait to see and let's just call it the entity for, for lack of a better term, because we still don't know what it is how this entity is kind of pulling the strings, whether it's with Boyd in his arm or you know whoever. It's really gonna be neat to see how they, how it plays out again, and I mean everybody says, oh, I'd react a certain way. Who knows how anybody's gonna react.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you don't know, until you get there.

Speaker 1:

We have Donna from yet and, as Donna says, you know this is the most uncomfortable conversation You're ever gonna have and, and it's so true, I just think that had a great opportunity and we're gonna take it one by one. We're gonna try to continue to drop the episodes on Sunday, because you know that's our day, sunday's from day, and hopefully we can make that commitment and and the only reason we wouldn't is Because we find out that the show is gonna and our start earlier than our, our rewatch, which we really don't know and Hopefully we'll be able to do those pre Preseason interviews again to talk, to talk, to talk to all the cast of characters. And I'm pumped, I mean, no, it's gonna be, it's gonna be a wild ride, but we're gonna try to do our best to get the crap scared out of us again.

Speaker 3:

No, it's just, I'm very, very excited for it. I'm excited to get a whole new level or layer of this place and Wondering if there's gonna be any new characters. What characters will be written are?

Speaker 1:

they're gonna be new, new survivors or new People? Are they're gonna be new monsters? Are they're gonna be Some?

Speaker 3:

of those favorites. Will Jamie McWires character be back? I, I hope so I mean they know like it Just him terrifying people in their dreams.

Speaker 1:

He's so nice that he's scary. I mean like geez, yeah, but but as we said, it's gonna be a. It's gonna be an interesting ride. We've got a couple of different things possibly planned and we might be getting a tribute poster together so we might be able to Get that going. So if you guys are Interested in that, we'll try to see if we can get that printed up for season one and season two into season three and yeah, it's just it. It's just so exciting.

Speaker 3:

Kirk watch the show.

Speaker 1:

Yes, he does.

Speaker 3:

Okay, great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he does. And actually, you know, I've been talking to Kirk Kirk van Lee, who I actually Podcasted recently. We did the Loki Loki podcast season two, and I'm gonna actually be. He's doing what if for the Marvel shows and Him and Sydney and myself are gonna also do one of the what if? Episodes that drop I think they dropped already. And then we might be doing this show called echo, which is another Marvel show, and I might have to convince the lady to my right, your left, cuz Sydney is a super fan as well and she may want to hop on with us. We may have to talk about it. I have to see, if Lizzie all allow it, as I tell her. Oh, it's so much easier to make you the bad guys. I'm always the bad guy, no, but always the villain I know.

Speaker 1:

But that said, I mean you know we're trying to create as much buzz as we can and I will say I think we're the only from podcast exclusive and we may not be the most Downloads are the most popular, but there's nobody as passionate as we are about this show and it's it's more about you folks than it is us, because I look at what you folks dissect and I Got nothing compared to what you guys do with that.

Speaker 1:

I just there's this one woman on this Facebook group. She has the bet and I can't think of her name off and and I'm sorry I've talked to I think it's name. Her name is Martha. She is Absolutely amazing with some of the theories and it's just some of the things, the details that she goes into and the things throughout history that she brings up. You know, my goal, hopefully, is to get a couple of people on who know this kind of stuff and that just love it, and you know it's gonna be stump Alex and Lizzie time because these people are difficult to do.

Speaker 1:

I will just exactly. It will not be All.

Speaker 3:

I start pulling out a thread and the thread phrase and then I'm like, oh, I'm out. I mean, I hope.

Speaker 1:

My, my hopes and dreams for the show is that it is about the cramp cramanacle, like somehow, like somehow. It really is about the cramanacle. It's a quest in some way. But you know, they've thrown out. They've thrown out so many red herrings with the mole and the this and the that and All isn't a red herring it's a real thing.

Speaker 1:

I, how can you have a mole? Okay, you could have a mole, but I think, if, if there is a mole and I'm not saying that there isn't Then are they part of the monsters? Are they a monster that you know? I mean, there's like a whole bunch of level of. Are they possessed? Are they being controlled? You know, I Think they're setting Donna up for she reminds me a lot and I know I bring Harry Potter up a lot if she ends up being what you think she is.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

She's like the reverse Snape, like she has the secret and she has, you know, kept it for the whole time, which is really amazing because she's got. She's got people thinking both sides. It's like it both sides. Is she good or is she bad? Is it just, is it just coincidence, or is it something more? And who knows? And again, I love taking that you know Thousand feet view of it because I just enjoy it and you know see how it's all gonna play out. But I cannot, and I cannot my art of hearts. I hope to God that she's not. And and the other thing before I finish is this oh, who are they gonna dare kill?

Speaker 3:

I Think I'm a boat by my dog. I don't know what her problem.

Speaker 1:

We're just gonna mute Lizzie so that she can control her dog for a second, and Don't mute me, no, I just I just didn't want you to have to, like kill, you know.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what her issue is.

Speaker 1:

I think she wants to play well, I would go outside and play with the monsters and see what happens.

Speaker 3:

I know, you know I'm wondering because I think I've thought you know quite a bit about the whole Donna thing and if she's the mall, she's. She's pretty much kept it quiet. The only time we've even gotten a glimpse at it was when she was telling Jim to shut up. And you know that you don't know who's listening. And it made me wonder. I know she was really upset, as were others, when colony house was invaded and it made me wonder if she had struck a deal somehow that the house wouldn't be bothered.

Speaker 1:

And then I say take by it or something.

Speaker 3:

I don't, yeah, or you know, or something like like she's made some kind of deal To get through this. Maybe if she does something, she'll get to go home. Maybe if she does something, she'll never get eaten. Maybe her sister isn't as dead as she thinks, or something like there's got to be. I don't know. Like there could be some kind of deal in place that she's made some bargain she has struck, but or Maybe Victor isn't the only one that knows about all these places.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it's, maybe there's somebody else. How about this one? Maybe there's somebody else hidden that either Victor doesn't know about or Was part of Victor's group and has been hiding in a different part. And again I'm just throwing out complete and utter.

Speaker 3:

Remember the picture of the guy in front of his car, and then Victor was in the background as a little kid who. I forget who that guy turned out to be. Do you remember?

Speaker 1:

that was Christopher. Christopher remember he was the one with the book okay, because again, folks, before you start railing us. This is why we need to rewatch. Yeah, we just got to get our head back in the game.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, the little, the little details Because, like he was, christopher was coming.

Speaker 1:

He's the one that scared the crap out of Jade.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like he was coming to talk to Jade. Maybe Christopher isn't dead.

Speaker 1:

Maybe again. There's so many questions alternate thing.

Speaker 3:

Maybe that's where Tabitha is, wherever Christopher is, I don't know and it's the blame way good or bad.

Speaker 1:

You know that's the final. You know not final, but that's another question. Is he good or bad?

Speaker 3:

That's really bummed. We didn't get him until the end of the season.

Speaker 1:

Well, they Really knew how to hype him up.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I know, but Do you? Is there anything in particular you're going to be trying to answer or look for?

Speaker 1:

Again, I think analyzing Donna, but I I don't really.

Speaker 3:

I think Fatima, that's gonna be a little interesting again looking, looking at her character looking at again a Timeline to like of who got there when, because it felt like it was a little squishy when we were doing season two and I thought that there was Something like two different things that were said about Fatima. Is Fatima's arrival.

Speaker 1:

Right, I just hope, like I said, I hope they connect all these little things like all those dates, all those little things like that that we were talking about, again who is on the radio and, and there's more questions than there are answers, and I guarantee After the rewatch we're still gonna be having more questions that we didn't think of. But you know, I just I just thought it was a great idea that you, when you brought it up, to come on and get ready, because I think we're gonna probably drop around. I think the first episode is gonna be January 7th, which is a Sunday, and We'll try to put feedback posts up so that, if you did have any questions or you just wanted to give us your theories per episode, and if you want to jump ahead, we'll, we'll try to. We're gonna read whatever we're gonna read, whether it's audio or I don't really want to jump ahead.

Speaker 3:

I want to stay. I'm saying if they want to jump ahead.

Speaker 1:

We can read it when it's appropriate.

Speaker 3:

That's a lot of bookkeeping, but what I would like and right now I can't even think of what our pot, what our email address is but what I would like is if you were gonna do this rewatch with us, let us know what you are going to be watching for you know on my iPad and I just never know when to look, so that there's eye contact.

Speaker 1:

You're looking, I don't know the little dot is the camera that you were looking right now You're looking right at me. Well, it looks like I've been looking at you.

Speaker 3:

All along you. You're always looking at me, baby Like.

Speaker 1:

I can't take my eyes off you. I know I wish dear listeners.

Speaker 3:

If you are joining us on the rewatch, drop us an email and Ask. Not ask, but tell us what you will be looking for. What little mystery are you trying to solve? What little details are you hoping to find? What? What are you looking for? What? What you know? Yeah, no, I mean, it's all about.

Speaker 1:

What's it all about, and I think that there there's a lot to be said for that, because you know it would be awesome to get those those extra, those extra feedbacks that we don't pick up. And just so you guys know, our, our feedback email is from epics podcast at gmailcom, right from x epics podcast, because it was on epics at one point now we're at ix.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

Yes Is that how I? What's that?

Speaker 3:

Or Santa Claus coming through the neighborhood.

Speaker 1:

Oh, santa Claus already came. Oh, okay, yeah, santa Claus already came. He came to town and he did whatever he needed to do. Yeah, it's from epicsepixpicast at gmailcom and you can give us a voicemail or you can give us some written feedback, and we're also going to try to put some posts up in Insta as well as the Facebook Picastica group.

Speaker 3:

I prefer email, though I do prefer email.

Speaker 1:

I understand. I'm just giving people options, I know.

Speaker 3:

Do whatever you want to do and I'm saying that to the listeners Contact us anyway. You want to contact us.

Speaker 1:

But she's only accepting email and I'm accepting everything else. I'm accepting everything else, but she's only accepting emails.

Speaker 3:

I'm looking at emails because I can look at that right away.

Speaker 1:

No, I get it.

Speaker 3:

I totally get it. I know it's there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I totally get it. So what are you doing for Christmas? Say anything good.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to be happy You're going to be happy. I'm going to be happy at home. What about you?

Speaker 1:

Well, we have Santa coming and we've got an excited nine-year-old.

Speaker 3:

I bet.

Speaker 1:

He's raring to go and we've got some podcasting to do because we're doing a little Daddy Daughter Bookworms.

Speaker 3:

Which is amazing. It's a great podcast yeah.

Speaker 1:

We're going to be doing a Christmas episode which we taped already. So if you want to go to daddydaughterbookwormscom, we'll put the show notes in. It'll be in the show notes, it's going to be in our quote unquote second season starting January. So we're going to do four seasons a year and then we're going to do some live in-person podcasting. So we're going to go to, we're going to try to go to some libraries and some events and show people how it all works and hopefully we'll get some sponsors and we can really start rocketing and rolling with it.

Speaker 3:

I think it's just great how you guys go and meet authors and they give you their books and you talk about the books. Lucy has been a tremendous surprise listening to her.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

She is really good.

Speaker 1:

If you look in the background, if you guys are watching on YouTube, that's a little mic with a little pink cover on it because, god forbid, we don't have a pink cover and we're going to be doing some merch.

Speaker 1:

We're going to be doing a lot of water bottle stickers and yeah, just stuff like that. And speaking of merch again, if you guys want to get stuff, I know I might not get there before the holidays. It might get there if you get to it before the holidays, but we've got all of those mugs and t-shirts and I know we talked about having some special ones for some different holidays as well.

Speaker 3:

Did we? I don't remember.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll do some for Valentine's.

Speaker 3:

Day or yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll do some hearts, because we do have a wedding. We did have a wedding this year, so love was in the air between Fatima and you know.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Our art drop.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and you know, we got the good news from our contest winner not our contest winners, but we were told that our contest entrance, that their drawings are up in the art room on the show so anyone can walk in and see your drawings there and they're pretty cool yeah. We had this last round. We're amazing, yes. We are going to do it again. I don't know that we'll do it. You know, for this rewatch I've got to look at our supplies. I'm not sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I don't think we can do it for the rewatch. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

But definitely for season three. We definitely will, and yeah, so there we go. I'm going to try and finish up my book before we come back, so I don't have to compete with that. And there we go.

Speaker 1:

Well, so I want to again thank everybody. You know you can get in touch with us, but you know what is from. On PICASTICA, and you can check us out on Facebook group, which is PICASTICA. And again, our email at Jesus from epicspicast at gmailcom. And again, if you want Lizzie to actually see it, then you must. If you don't want me to see it, then don't. If you want to see it, do it any other way, but email. If you want only Lizzie to see it, then email is the way because I don't check the email.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I said, I guess we before we keep this any longer because you know it's been 30 minutes and we want to thank everybody.

Speaker 3:

Have a great holiday, have a great New Year, like the Marriest Marriest of New Year's. Absolutely New Year, new from year and whatever you celebrate, celebrate it, have fun, you know, or don't celebrate. You don't have. You know, like, the greatest thing about this world is that we're all different. So, at any rate, that's all I have to say.

Speaker 1:

I think that's awesome and just want to see if there's any other things that I need to put in there Now that said Okay. I know I just had to make sure that we covered everything. And you know, I guess we'll have to have our favorite bell ringer Take a second yes, we are. Get your home, let's go, come on, get in your house, let's go, come on, let's roll Talking about beingerschmitt. I still hope the crowd fun, have fun.

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