What Is From 'Cast? A Podcast About "From" on MGM+

66. FROM MGM+ : S.3 ep.10 : “Revelations: Chapter two" w/ actor Nathan D. Simmons

Podcastica with "Alex & Lizzie" Season 3 Episode 66

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Check out Alex and Lucy on Daddy Daughter BookWorms:

Check out Lizzie on Brains Gone Bad: http://directory.libsyn.com/shows/view/id/brainsgonebad
Check out Lizzie’s book series, Lizzie’s Lost Girls at: https://shorturl.at/cijOP

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Speaker 2:

Lizzie, what are you doing?

Speaker 3:

I'm putting magnets on the fridge. What do you think I'm doing?

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the show. My name is Alex.

Speaker 3:

I'm Lizzie.

Speaker 4:

And I'm Andy and we are here.

Speaker 2:

It has finally happened. Episode 10, season 3, chapter 2. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da, and folks, it's time to take a look at what the heck just happened, because I have no frigging clue.

Speaker 4:

I know, oh, my wife also just got done watching it five minutes ago. She's like I'm going to go watch it again right now and I'm like really Without me. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I think I've seen it six times.

Speaker 4:

Oh, so how much do you still find new things at the sixth watch?

Speaker 3:

Every single time, uh, and it, it's uh. Well, oh, by the way, welcome back.

Speaker 3:

Thanks for coming on um you know I was keeping here. Yeah, it's um when I start doing my notes Like I watch Alex, and I will watch it right away After we finish our podcast, but this week it'll be the first time right to bed. Maybe it'll be Gossip Girl tonight, I don't know, charlotte wants to watch Gossip Girl, but at any rate, this episode was so stunning, especially the end, that last week I turned around and watched it again. I think it was like 2 am, but by the time I was finished yeah.

Speaker 3:

I watched it during the week because that whole yellow man piece yeah just it, just. He might as well have been grabbing my neck um so putting together. Oh no, I'm sorry okay putting together the whole thing that you know tabitha was saying to jim and like I was really bothered with the way Jim was talking to her in that, in those like let that scene. But just today is when I'll do like the last rewatch. Okay.

Speaker 3:

So I'll get up about well, not at noon, but at noon I will do the first rewatch. I just sit there and watch it and I write titles, like I break it down by who is you know working with who and what scenes or whatever, and that starts to help me form the notes. And then I go through. I sit at my dining room table and I watch the episode and it starts, stop, starts, stop, write the you know, and it takes about four hours. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 3:

So I am getting my Sundays back until Andy.

Speaker 2:

So who did you watch?

Speaker 4:

the show with my wife and my 12, about to be 13 year old.

Speaker 2:

Now my question for you guys is yeah, Do you have a spread like that? Where is this? So, there is this to me they're having a watch party and they've got talismans. They got Kenny's Wait, Kenny's dad, which are ribs. They've got lunchboxes. They got Victor's peaches Elgin's blood, but the best and this is what she wrote in the comment on the email Nikki's bullet hole was the hit of the season. Oh, I did not read bullet hole.

Speaker 4:

That's hilarious.

Speaker 2:

Okay and wait, that was trash.

Speaker 4:

What did you read? I'm not going to say it live on the internet.

Speaker 2:

The no-name dead cow. I mean, brenda, you hit it out of the park. We're going to post this on Instagram and all the platforms, but you have outdone yourself, my dear, and we love it.

Speaker 4:

Brenda. Brenda made this.

Speaker 2:

Brenda, brenda.

Speaker 4:

Bridget, I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

I messed your name up.

Speaker 4:

I think Bridget created like something that the community is going to hold on to and this is going to be standard from here on out. Bloody Elgin.

Speaker 2:

Bloody Elgin yeah.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God. Or tenderized Elgin. Yeah, the poor thing, oh my God. Or tenderized Elgin. Yeah, oh gosh.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, we'll get to it, right we? Will definitely get around.

Speaker 2:

So. So, folks, if you just joined us, welcome to the what Is From cast, and if you haven't subscribed, please subscribe, and it's in that button. I think that way, smash that subscription button. We're up to over 800 subscribers. We've doubled our subscribers, and it's all been because of one thing the guy above us.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I just want to thank everybody for for taking the time, on whatever platform you're on, and I just think it's great that we're doing this. Yeah, fun. So, in terms of first thoughts, I mean, I know you guys were talking a little bit about this and I have to tell you this was one of the most satisfying series. Um, yeah, theories, endings, whatever you want to call it uh, in a while and I I'm not just saying like, they always know how to land it, yeah, yeah, every season they take stock. I always say this they take stock of all the characters and we know where everybody is. And they did such a good job. And I said this because we for those of you that are listening you might be listening to Jamie, who is just on about a little bit ago, and if you haven't listened to that we spent about almost an hour with him talking about everything, and I said to him you know when he had died, when his character had died, I, I think we all were in agreement. Maybe we weren't.

Speaker 2:

If he gets reincarnated, it's going to be, it's going to be really stupid, all right. And then you were wrong. Oh, no, no, I wasn't wrong. I have a big plate of crow, I think it. I think it's right here, it's right here in fatima's trash. Yeah, yeah, you get to eat that. I'm gonna tell you right now I have no problem eating it, because it was without it that we're gonna get into it. It was one of the most beautiful scenes, the way it was laid out.

Speaker 4:

It's elegant it's fantastic, yeah, and it also ties into what you're learning. Like they're about to, they drop the bomb on you a moment later and then, when you backtrack and you're like, oh, that makes total sense now.

Speaker 2:

Like why did it happen? Yeah, I do have one message for you, lizzie. Yes, acosta said she was running late so she can't come. She was getting into a fight with Donna and she was coming on and she just couldn't because of all the stuff that's going on with MGM. But, she really got tied up, but she was planning on coming, that's okay.

Speaker 3:

She's a rookie.

Speaker 2:

We have a couple of really good surprises you know she's a rookie cop, so she sucks now um. She's amazing. She's an amazing actress, she's amazing person, but she's got to stop holding her damn gun all the time with no bullets I know why she does it. We talked about it. You can go look. Yeah, I get the podcast. I love her to death. She's the most amazing person in the world, but you know, hey, these things happen. It's a big night for them and they should really is and love everything.

Speaker 2:

So, that said, we finally found the spoiler that everybody was trying to spoil us with um, and you know, we know who's on the radio now we just don't know what role this person has. And we're talking to the man with the yellow jacket.

Speaker 4:

And he had, like his eyes were terrifying. They were like they almost looked like deep red. But my family.

Speaker 3:

Are you still red?

Speaker 4:

That's what I. Maybe that's just what I wanted to see, Like a really blood dark red, almost like black red, but I think it was my wife.

Speaker 3:

She was like no, it was black yeah, do you ever had? A nail polish like that it was. It was red, but it was so dark that it looked black. Yeah, oh gosh, yeah, he was just black eyes like that, always just freak me out now.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna get into a the whole episode. So before you know, lizzie gets mad at me. We better start. Um well, and if I jump ahead, she gets mad at me like she had like a 20 minute conversation about. You can't jump ahead like that was not 20 minutes.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I said it's very important not to step over lines whatever.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so let's start, fatima go ah, ah.

Speaker 3:

So all right. So we're gonna jump around a little bit, guys, um, just to make this work, but we, we start. We're gonna start with fatima in the root cellar, you know, the most glamorous maternity ward that any mother could want you know, like, oh my gosh. Now it makes me wonder if the guy that was dead that Elgin found was the Elgin before. So what that tells me is that a monster has died before and given birth, or at least it strongly suggests it to me.

Speaker 4:

Um, yeah, that's. That's very interesting. I didn't think of that I just thought of it.

Speaker 3:

I just thought of it. Um, so I I don't even have it in my notes, so at any rate, she'sed to get out and nobody can hear her and then all of a sudden, like she throws her um her mayonnaise jar of blood, of elgin's blood, against the wall and a big piece breaks off and she walks over and grabs it. Did you guys happen to notice the book that was on that table?

Speaker 4:

not at all. I saw like a can, like a, like a can or a jar yeah, it was I noticed yeah, there was definitely a jar.

Speaker 3:

It was probably something that elgin had brought her.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was the blood.

Speaker 4:

It was the blood no, the she, she already broke that all right, it's where the blood had fallen, kind of like on the wall, but it fell like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

But there is a fad of revealing the circle of children and the sacrifice. Oh, that's too early yet. Sorry, that's okay, Alex, At any rate he's probably smart, he's probably sweared at me, but anyway, that book, if you look, I see it, I see it. I'm lucky I didn't get the double, but anyway, there was a book on the table and if you looked at it it was like a very thick cover and you know, when people make homemade paper the paper is just a little bit thick and then when they put it into a book, the pages are. You know they're rough.

Speaker 3:

I'm wondering if it was some kind of old Bible or something that was on the table. I'm not exactly sure I care for a monster being reborn yeah, maybe like a how-to. Yeah, that's interesting yeah, I, I didn't catch it the first time, but when, um, I saw it, like just before it went to the, the next shot, and I was like wait a minute. And to the next shot, and I was like wait a minute and rewound it and I thought that that was pretty interesting, that there would be a book like that.

Speaker 4:

Also that room has only been discovered by the townspeople now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know. Maybe no one thought to move the armoire, or I wonder if there was even an armoire there yeah or or.

Speaker 4:

It's just this place and it wouldn't. You can't get in there unless needed, you know yeah, yeah, it kind of shows up.

Speaker 3:

I mean, even you know jade saw different things you know from other people yeah, it looks kind of different in his vision yeah, yeah. So at this point, that's all I wanted to say about fatima, or fatima um? So how do we say it?

Speaker 2:

fatima fatima.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so we're gonna jump over to victor and henry. Who cried? Did any of you cry? Did either of you cry I?

Speaker 4:

inside I did it was like I think it was the only redeeming piece of that episode, right like the only feel-good, like storyline in it yeah oh yeah, it was.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean it. Just, you know, like Henry comes over and he's trying to, he's really trying to create some kind of relationship with Victor, who has been really standoffish, and by the end of this conversation we know why and you know, asking about Jasper, and he's like you were right, it was just a doll, you know. And then Henry apologizes for not being more help in that whole thing and Victor says he's got to show him something. And I don't know if it was like Victor trying to drive Henry away once and for all, or if it was just Victor trying to drive Henry away once and for all, or if it was just owning up to it, but I think it was his fear.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the fear he just thought, I mean, he's lived there and he's never had anything, so why would he get to keep his dad?

Speaker 1:

You know, yeah, and then he was just like I screwed it up.

Speaker 4:

I'm the one thing, and that's how I took it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, the one thing, and that's how I took it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly, um. And then just like looking at the stones, like you know, this little kid having painted those things one, I mean, can you picture him trying to get his mom up there?

Speaker 4:

and then, can't imagine pieces of his sister that's the first time they've addressed his sister, so he does think, but I guess we don't know for sure because he just hates it, sir, but that was disturbing for sure.

Speaker 2:

Um, I I kind of had a hard time with it. Um, I'm not gonna. Yeah, you know, you've got Victor who's 12. How old is he when this happened again?

Speaker 3:

I don't know, was he 8 or 10?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I don't think they said let's just say he's 10 years old, all right, and he hasn't really matured since past that.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

You know, I mean, you know this, you know this, having your, your your kid and you know this cause you have Charlotte. You know they always are watching you and they always take your cues and they take everything so damn personal. And you know, his job was to protect his, his and his sister, and he blew it in his eyes yeah, in his eyes yeah, and the fact that he thought his mom's death was on him. Well, in a way it kind of was.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, listen in a way I mean I don't mean that in a, in a like, oh, it's just all kind of thing.

Speaker 2:

But he said the words, but um, but she knew better to go out in the middle of the night also, exactly, exactly, but he doesn't know that but the thing, the thing about, and I and I actually I know you've probably said this to your son and I've said this to my, my daughter, and this is what Henry said You'll always be my son. What Victor doesn't realize and what is so poignant about this is and again, am I saying anything that nobody doesn't already know is that just because he's not there didn't mean he didn't care just because he's not there? And I love how henry says that now I'm here, and now I'm here to protect you, yeah, yeah, the first time probably somebody has said something like that to him ever yeah, yeah, the first, first time Victor has felt safe in any sense is probably in that moment.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh, I just like Scott McCord with the tear hanging off of his nose and like remember last season he had some real emotional scenes and he just like he just ripped your heart out flawlessly doing that and then watching him again like it's, it's amazing that he can transform himself back into or into a 10 year old boy in a 50, 50 year old man's body, In a 50-year-old man's body.

Speaker 4:

It just yeah, it's. When you watch those scenes it's that's the hardest character to even imagine. That's actually an actor inside.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, it's wild.

Speaker 2:

Well, the problem is when you meet Scott.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he's so Charismatic.

Speaker 2:

Particulate, so many things that Victor is not, not, and that's what I mean. Honestly, you know him, liz. Of course, harold, um, and, and, and of course, uh, catalina have done such an amazing job this season and throughout the whole time, for the last three seasons. I'm telling you, and I've said this from day one, how scott has not been nominated for anything I don't know, it's ridiculous how donna? Has now there's a reason well, no, there's a reason this is the year.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this is gotta be.

Speaker 2:

There's a simple reason for it they. They don't want horror. They did the same thing with the Walking Dead and then whatever else. They just don't like the, they just don't find value in it. And it's just a shame, because the Walking Dead and From are horror shows, but they're drama horror shows. I don't like monsters, I don't like scary stuff, but I love the Walking Dead, I love this show. I don't like monsters, I don't like scary stuff, but I love the Walking Dead.

Speaker 3:

I love this show. I don't like zombies.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I was just casually saying this and I was like it's really not right to even label it as a horror show. Sure, it has horror elements, but that's not what. It's not the heart of it. It's a very character-driven yeah, that not the heart of it. It's a very character driven like yeah, that's the, that's the meme, is what?

Speaker 2:

they're going through but going back to victor and henry, I mean first off, yes, pulling, pulling his mom up there was amazing. But you know what? I really find it even more. I really find it even more fascinating. He pulled her up and he put those two in a spot. That was beautiful. Yeah, he spent a lot of time there during days just looking at the beauty of where he is saying, whatever he's saying. But the most heartbreaking thing and again I think you just said it was um, I got as many pieces of eloise as I think I could find because she's so small yeah especially that last line.

Speaker 4:

That's when it was like you didn't mean somewhat pieces, and it just hits you and then it says, because she's so small, and it's just like yeah it.

Speaker 2:

it brought me to a place that I'm not going to go, but it reminded me of one thing and I was like yes, oh God, yeah, I know, I know it just. But that's what this show does and I think that that's what's so amazing. I love this arc this season. They really for a cat I say this every time for a character that should have been killed off in the episode, the first, the first season. They've made him into the most vital thing possible and I'm, and I can't even mistake this.

Speaker 4:

I feel like the character victor will never leave you, no matter how many amazing shows you watch. After this, he'll be right in the back of your head.

Speaker 2:

I mean there's, there's so many and I and I and I say this people are not going to like this episode. People are going to like it, whatever. But the one criticism that I get from people about all these shows are oh, there's, they answer questions. They answered every question we wanted, did they? Did they ask some more? Yes, but not. Oh well, they have to what I'm saying, that's what I'm trying to say. It moved the story exactly, andy, so yeah they're.

Speaker 4:

They're closing it in like you want. You want it to be like split wide open and then get like this towards the end, and they're doing that perfectly yeah, wait, where am I?

Speaker 3:

I? This is my question page at the end of the season. There's three sections to it yeah like.

Speaker 2:

This is my answer page. It's just blood. I drank it all.

Speaker 3:

I'm saying it's lots of blood, yeah you're gonna throw that against the wall, I. What good would it be if they answered every single question on season three.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

What good would this show be Like? I'm not ready to let go of it yet, so I don't you know, it's great to have some answers. I don't want them all. Yeah, I mean. Oh my God, I guess I'm going to have to write a couple books next year. Absolutely, Daphne they moved the story along and gave us a lot to think about. Absolutely Are we ready to? This episode was wild. I don't like that. I have to wait. Yeah, I don't like that. I have to wait forever either. Josh, oh my gosh, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Josh is a good dude. He's an avid frummer.

Speaker 3:

Oh, is he really?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Where has he been all of our last three seasons? We needed him.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's go to the clinic, okay.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

I mean the clinic, I think think for the most part is clear, is pretty quick. But yeah, that's the only storyline that if you took it out, it the it it would be the same episode. But it was really nice to see marielle like address it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah yeah, because she's been the only one that's been like no, I'm absolutely fine, nothing's wrong, and it was good for her to finally say that she's not okay. But then scary that she said she doesn't think anyone else will be either.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, haunting.

Speaker 3:

They had given Randall a much-needed sedative. The poor guy like I mean I was about to kill himself.

Speaker 2:

Wait, wait yeah that was when mariel's like um, yeah, he's down, what are we gonna do when he wakes up? I mean, like I know and and I to say they have been terrorizing Randall this whole entire season. Yeah, maybe it's payback is a bitch. But one. The first question is why him?

Speaker 3:

Because he's a jerk.

Speaker 2:

No, but why him? Because of the way they're doing it. Yeah, what's the ending with him? Because they didn't kill him off.

Speaker 4:

No, they just.

Speaker 3:

Maybe they want him to access a really crazy part of his mind.

Speaker 4:

Maybe they know he's a strong, powerful brute force and they want to try to make him crazy so they'll turn on the others.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Give him on the others yeah.

Speaker 2:

This is another question I had for just the. This is more of a medical question why they had the AED in a closet downstairs and not up there, just in case, the way this place works, anybody feel like they're interested any time. Yeah, I thought it was upstairs I don't know. No no that's a yes.

Speaker 3:

I wasn't paying attention to that.

Speaker 2:

The other thing, and I mean Randall, I mean the poor guy. Like I said, there's not much really to say, except for he should just start drinking and just stay away.

Speaker 4:

He might be the person that really does not need to start drinking.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, but my question is why didn't they show Marielle's struggle at all I don't know.

Speaker 4:

We really didn't.

Speaker 3:

I think they wanted us to really question it, because Julie was struggling so hard, she was getting high all the time, and then Randall had the Cicadas. Did I say it?

Speaker 4:

right. You said it Cicadas.

Speaker 3:

Randall had the cicada issue that only he could hear, and it was made worse by the fact that Julie couldn't hear them, and julie couldn't hear them and mariel couldn't hear them either.

Speaker 4:

So yeah, and with mariel, you just assume, since you're seeing it in juliet randall so much that mariel's bottling it up and it's going to be bad when it explodes in some fashion. But I still feel like there's no hint of that happening.

Speaker 2:

She's just like, yeah, we're gonna die so yeah, going back to this, g thinks it's gonna be all about mariel's struggle yeah um, now sure what I find kind of interesting. Um, where is it? Somebody said it's about randall. Know, to ruin his face is to break his ego. Okay.

Speaker 4:

I think they made him look cooler. He looks like the Joker.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean he's got that that. What do they call it? The Irish smile, or something like that.

Speaker 4:

He looks cooler.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, if nothing else, like, I mean, he's such a, he's so hard and so abrasive that I think that those two sets of scars are just going to add to that persona. But I think that he ended up with the cicadas because he is so standoffish and alone and doesn't want to be with anybody. That they're. That's how they're going to drive him crazy, and maybe he's one of those people that goes on a rampage.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he's also the boiling pot ready to blow at all times. Julie, not so much she. She's dealing with it, in a sense, herself with the screams.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, she's not a hot-headed human being yeah, yeah, I mean she's just yeah, yes I just think that, um, maybe you're right about him being a loose cannon, which I'm not saying that, um, that he isn't. It's just just that I don't know. They just tortured the shit out of him, that's all I know.

Speaker 4:

But he's actually grown this season a little bit. He still is, but I feel like his character's onto a good a really good, no, no, that's the thing.

Speaker 2:

He's on a good trajectory. He's more human.

Speaker 3:

You know, maybe he was reaping what he sowed on the outside world. Maybe he was someone that he tortured somebody.

Speaker 2:

Or maybe he's just a tough guy that wants to go and bring his, his, his nephew, a toy. He's just a jerk, but maybe.

Speaker 4:

I dare say we'll find out yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'm thinking so. All right, so let's move on over to the Matthews family. On over to the Matthews family. So you know, we start with Jim and Ethan approaching the house and Jim rushes in to go talk to Tabitha, and so Victor tells Ethan that he saw the boy in white and he wasn't helpful. I just love that. He saw the boy in white and he wasn't helpful.

Speaker 4:

I just, I just love that he saw the boy in white. He wasn't helpful. Victor's lines to me are like if you could find comic relief in from it's always Victor and it's always an accident, of course, Like yeah.

Speaker 2:

But the sad part is it is, it's, it's total comic gold, but it's not Because it's what he really believes. It just wasn't helpful. It just was like are you kidding me? Yeah, the boy in white screwed him. The boy in white is freaking. I'm so pissed at the boy in white yeah.

Speaker 3:

I think the boy in white is actually pissed at everybody else which, when we get to you know what Tabitha says to Jim might make sense, because I think the boy in white has been this with his puppets all along and nothing has happened.

Speaker 2:

Oh, wait a second, wait a second. We got to jump ahead because we got the biggest pain in the butt. That got his ass kicked and everything else, and the fact that he's going to come here and get to us is just amazing. I am so glad that we have him. I am so glad that we have him and the fact that he has not seen the lotion in the basket scene Get your ass up here, boy. What's up? Man, what's up?

Speaker 5:

How you doing man, how you doing Good to see you all. Good to see you all.

Speaker 2:

How's the fingers? Come on, show me some of the fingers.

Speaker 5:

They're okay. No scars Not a real scar, I don't think you know. Congratulations. Thank you, such an amazing season. Fingers. Come on show me some of your fingers.

Speaker 2:

They're okay. No scars, Not real scars or anything. Congratulations. Such an amazing season. You literally killed it, reborned it and you did everything. Oh, thanks, man.

Speaker 3:

You did so good in not blowing it with us when you were on with us earlier.

Speaker 5:

I almost did. I was close to it because you wasn't liking me, so I had to. I wanted to spill the beans a little bit. How you doing, ed. I don't know if we met before, but I'm naked how you doing man, you just traumatized me recently. I did.

Speaker 4:

Oh, shoot For real.

Speaker 5:

In a good way. I cared.

Speaker 3:

It means we have a deeper connection yeah, oh my god, how am I looking to you? Can you see me okay?

Speaker 5:

yeah, yeah, I see you, yeah, yeah, you're great as always this was still a little dog to pop it back in.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, yeah, still a little dog, oh my god, yeah, sarah ever turned around with the screwdriver in her hand. Oh my god, yeah, sarah ever turned around with the screwdriver in her hand.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my god, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know who's more menacing. I mean, she is the quiet assassin, like she scares the crap out of me now. And you know we all laughed when andy said, just before you got here, and he's like well, you know, victor is the comic relief. Well, let me tell you, when she said you're the scariest person in from, she is the scariest.

Speaker 4:

Yes, I was the scariest frame in from like that was terrifying.

Speaker 5:

Oh man, and it's funny too, because I know even Harold too I think I was just on live with them and like Harold and Sarah Boat, like in that scene, they helped a lot because like their commitment to, I guess, the ejected they had to do like it was real. Like it was real, I really thought Sarah was going to poke my eye out, like I think the extended cut or whatever there was more, like she actually came towards me and all that. But like I really I really thought like she was gonna poke my eye out. I was like this is real man and same with um, with harold too. Like it was man.

Speaker 3:

These oh my god, he grabs the hammer.

Speaker 2:

He's like yeah oh, oh, look who's watching.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, my dad is watching too. Of course he is. Of course he is. Hey daddy.

Speaker 3:

I was just thinking about him earlier I was like I wonder if his dad will watch, if he's able to come on.

Speaker 5:

I don't think he watched it yet, so he said he's going to wait for the whole season to get out. So it's okay, he's fine with it.

Speaker 2:

Don't spoil anything.

Speaker 5:

Don't spoil anything.

Speaker 2:

Don't spoil anything he's fine with it, he doesn't care. So. So when they did that whole scene with your um, with your uh, I don't even know what, what do you want to call it with the tooling, um, how long did that whole thing take? And and like the whole process of with the hand and the prosthetics and all that kind of stuff?

Speaker 5:

uh, I know the prosthetics took a long time to get on, like that was. I think I had like a two hour early call or something to get the hand done and the face and they had to stay on every single like the whole day, which was fun for me. That never happened before. Yeah, um, and the scene itself, I think, um, they broke it up in a few parts, but I think, um, entering the room being tied up and, yeah, those two, those were like the whole day, like those two were the whole day, and then the saracen was like the big the morning of the next day.

Speaker 4:

So it was a, it's a lot so much fun just because that's fun. All of your scenes so far have been just your character that's so innocent and just easy going with everybody, and then you just got to play like a torture victim dude. Yeah, it was fun.

Speaker 5:

It was a fun, man. It was a lot. Never got to do that before. So I love exploring things. Just the whole tired brain, dead, delirious, it was a lot, never got to do that before. So I love, um, exploring things like just a whole, like you know, tired brain, dead, delirious, um, and then, you know, still trying to convince people that I'm right while being tortured. I thought that was just so fun to explore and, yeah, it was fun. It was heavy, though it was a lot to take on. It was a lot.

Speaker 3:

It was a lot, yeah elgin was so committed, like, so believed in what he was saying, you know, never broke from it at all. And yeah, you know, like I was gonna bring this up um, you know, when we got to your section um in my notes, but like, when elgin is talking about um, uh, what fatima is doing and how she's giving birth to this thing, you know, whatever it is and and I'm so like perclempt right now I'm forgetting all my words, but I was just thinking about it like you start. I can't remember if you started comparing it to the bible or not, but if you think about it like this woman.

Speaker 3:

You know, this virgin in a sense being pregnant. She could not get pregnant and yet here she was pregnant, right, yeah, and she, you know, wasn't welcome in the town, type thing, like like, like, what she was gonna give birth to is is going to save us and yeah, oh my gosh.

Speaker 3:

and then what I ended up doing and I don't know if you've seen all the episodes like you know season one, there was the episode um, where father cotri dies and he's talking about book 74. He said there's 73 books in the Bible, but there's not a 74. Maybe we're writing it here, maybe this is it. And here you are talking about the pregnant woman having shelter, and I'm like giving birth to something that's going to save us. This is and.

Speaker 5:

I'm, like you know, giving birth to something that's going to save us and I'm like this is deep Maybe, but maybe some way it does. You know who knows? Smiley's a saint? Yeah, he's reborn. You know rebirth. It's like, yes, do some good. So.

Speaker 2:

Nathan, what I was going to ask you is you're, you're in the. You're you is, you're all around the table. This is before you start shooting. You're starting to read and you get to this and everybody finds out what happens. Yeah, what was that read like? Did everybody just lose their shit, or what?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, like I think, yeah, a lot of we, I think everyone had a chill like going down our spines right, like first it was like it was a lot. Like first it was the Elgin thing and we were like what? Like I thought I was dead too, like everyone thought I was gone, and then oh, we all thought you were gone.

Speaker 2:

I thought you were a daughter. Man, I thought you were a daughter.

Speaker 5:

Anybody that put money on you won a shit ton of money. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then we had what else did we have? We had, oh yeah. And then Fatima, you know, with the baby and Smiley coming back and at the end, you know, with Jim, which is like such a hard scene for me to watch, like reading that was just like it makes me mad. It's still like just now.

Speaker 2:

You know, like with hannah right there, yeah yeah do you believe, now that you and sarah elgin and sarah have that connection of the entity being part of you? Is that the new power couple? Because I know very toxic hold on very complicated hannah I know you like hannah and I mean not hannah but I know you like julie and all, because you have that little thing with the, you know the pot and everything. But I gotta say nothing says I love you, like like putting something in your eye. You know, I mean that's true that is true.

Speaker 5:

true, you can give someone.

Speaker 2:

It's just very interesting looking back at last season when you were kind of like everybody's like oh, you're trying to play these two and they're the two that end up being the key to your craziness.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, it just goes to show you right.

Speaker 2:

This is what I have to deal with.

Speaker 5:

That's it right.

Speaker 2:

I start drinking now. You know why I start drinking for lunch.

Speaker 3:

Don't make me get my toolkit, Alex. I have a well-stocked toolkit.

Speaker 5:

You guys are all prepared.

Speaker 2:

This isn't the From Other cast't the from other cast. This is the from cast. Yeah. You kind of got it, I'm telling you. So do you believe that he was possessed? Your character.

Speaker 5:

I don't think he was possessed. I think, going from the information that he was given, even from the kimono lady, from the information he was given, I do believe that he just thought this was the best course of action to get everyone home. What puts me off from him being possessed is the fact that he did end up telling Sarah where Fatima was, and it only took an eye. I think. If I was possessed, I think it would have took maybe a tongue, a few fingers, you know Right, or it took a bit more. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Didn't he? You also refer to the kimono later as an angel, right?

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah I was actually going to that because, I mean, isn't it an angel that comes up to Mary in the Bible and tells her that she's pregnant. Right, it's kind of a little Christmas thing, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And so I think someone looked this up earlier in the season when the kimono woman first started showing up, you know, and it is, she's wearing the kimono and it started in China, I think it was, but I think the Japanese version of this woman is the most common Can be called a Tenshi. I don't know if you've done any research, this is just real surface research that I did. But in Japan she's an angel, the Tenshi is an angel.

Speaker 3:

But you look at this woman's like kimono in Japan are very, very expensive and you don't treat them lightly. You know like they could be up to like $40,000, $60,000 for one kimono, and I know right.

Speaker 3:

That's crazy $60,000 for one kimono. And I know right, one of the best books I've ever read was Memoirs of Acacia and it just it teaches you all about that, which was great. But she's got all this blood on her kimono and it could be the natural design of that kimono. But it makes me think now, like the blood Was the blood Of the birth, you know what it would take. She's been stained Over the years. Every time one of these monsters have died and this is the only time she ever shows up Is when we're rebirthing. One of these monsters have died, and this is the only time she ever shows up is when we're rebirthing one of these guys. They reoccurring one of them, you know.

Speaker 2:

So she's got sorry, alex, no, no, no, I'm sorry, I'm piecing this all together. You get on. You had you had dreams before the bus, correct?

Speaker 3:

Was it on the bus or before the bus? I think it was on the bus. Did Olkin have?

Speaker 2:

dreams before, or just on the bus, on the bus.

Speaker 5:

Yes, on the bus, only on the bus, okay, only on the bus.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, have you been told what the dream is specifically, yet yes, Did they tell you about it?

Speaker 5:

yes, um, the parts, like. I know there's parts of the dream that he did see, um already, which was to save the people, but from my understanding there's a lot of the dream or whatever dream he had that's still like, unknown. You know that's still like, or whatever visions, and I feel it was also. He has these dreams whenever he falls asleep, right um particularly, I think uh, I might be wrong here before I don't got my notes, but like particularly, I do believe it's like one dream that he had on the bus. Um showed a bunch of other things, as well as a different dream, I think. When he's in bed and he woke up, he also heard the music box playing.

Speaker 4:

So that's all. I think I had pieces together.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, yeah I just think that it's like where does your and again, I know they've even written it. So I mean john probably knows what he wants to go with it. But I'm just saying it's like, where can elgin go except for sarah's house?

Speaker 4:

I'm not trying to be funny about that you really want them to be together, don't you? But what I mean by that is they're both crazy. I don't think Elgin's that crazy.

Speaker 3:

Thank you.

Speaker 4:

No no.

Speaker 2:

Sarah wasn't crazy until now, until she became Lotion and the Basket Girl. She was fine, she was normal. Then, all of a sudden, you come along and carry everything out, man you know what I did not fine.

Speaker 3:

She was normal. Then, all of a sudden, you come along and carry everything out man. You know what? Elgin is the kind of guy that makes women be mean to them.

Speaker 2:

Wow, see, you're getting the love from others.

Speaker 4:

I think it was Boyd. She did it to protect Boyd from doing it Exactly. No, she did. It was totally to protect him.

Speaker 2:

so he didn it. No, she did no, it was totally. It was it was totally to protect him, so he didn't have to do certain things that he yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 3:

Because he's a good man and he's not going to do what it's what it's going to take, Like boy doesn't understand how far he needs to go to make it.

Speaker 2:

I honestly, I honestly was. It was very heartbreaking watching. That was hard Because you could tell that you were really trying to save the world, save everything.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. It wasn't you, though it wasn't Elgin. I mean, I don't know Like. I feel like maybe now that Elgin just has one eye, he won't have a problem crocheting so much anymore. That's about all I'm going to be good for. We haven't seen the crochet in a while. Hey Sarah. I beat you to a koozie.

Speaker 2:

All he knows is his new favorite letters are oh my god, you're going to be good for squares.

Speaker 2:

No, those are granny squares. Sorry, I did also. I did also love with the, when you're getting tortured, um, that the camera wanted to screw with boyd. Yeah, and I, I would have loved to have known what Harold thought about that, like when you guys were reading it for the first time. It's like, and that's like, that's like messed up, like they have gone out of the way to just mess with all you guys and just, ah, I, I'm just finding it so fascinating. I know I keep cutting off andy and I keep listening. It's just that so much to say.

Speaker 2:

It's just more like that whole scene was just so often awful and satisfying all at the same time. And I have to say you guys really stick the landing on this episode, I mean on the on the season yeah because you, finally you answered questions meaning what the hell you were actually doing in the basement if there was a baby, all this other stuff, but you put it in a bow so that we're we were dying for two years from now when it's actually guys, don't freeze your.

Speaker 2:

Your your fingers off or your your eyes off.

Speaker 4:

I would not be okay if they had not announced season four, like if they would have waited. Even this ending is just like no, like we're, we're going to March.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, did you guys know before, did you guys know?

Speaker 5:

About the new season. Yeah, no, no, not at all. I think I think we got the information, um, I think like 10 minutes maybe before they posted or they announced it like 10 days or a day or something yeah, like I was just like wow, I was, wow, I was getting ready, I was. You know, what can I do now? Firm's not coming back, right?

Speaker 3:

What am I going to do Now that I've only got one eye? Yeah, your dad's one.

Speaker 2:

Good job, damn it One eye one hand.

Speaker 3:

Notice like it's this hand and this eye.

Speaker 5:

I know, I know, oh yeah, it's terrible.

Speaker 4:

The eye mess. The eye impacted me so much that I completely forgot about his hand. I just watched this right before this Nathan Hands all messed up Eyes on.

Speaker 2:

So was that done on set or was that done in the?

Speaker 5:

studio. It was done in a trailer. It was the special effects. Patrick has his own special effects trailer, so, yeah, he went there. I rode him for the day. It was fun. It was really, really fun. I bet it was.

Speaker 2:

So what did they do? They just put your hand like this and then created everything out of it.

Speaker 5:

I had my hand like that and then they took a cast of that and then on the day he stuck it on and they were like painting and like adding bones and stuff and yeah, and then the eye with a full face mask and then they cut like part of it out just for, like the section of my face. Um and sorry, it was actually funny because originally I think it had the eye hanging and they did one type of hanging and then another one with the eye missing and I think the eye missing is what I think we went.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so that's what I wondered. I was like, because you're sitting there you actually look kind of drunk and passed out yeah yeah, so I was looking. You know it was dark, it was like a dark hole and I was looking for the eye and I like, when she comes away and the way she's holding the screwdriver, I expected to see the the eyeball just fall off the tip of it or something. Yeah, yeah, maybe we just missed go that far, so that would have been just.

Speaker 5:

I thought it was cool.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was.

Speaker 5:

Russ, though, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I always tell people that don't like horror. I'm like, no, no, Like you can, this show is for people that don't like horror. And then that came out and I was like that's going to be yeah.

Speaker 5:

Man I think episode 10 and I was like that's going to be man. I think episode 10, I feel like, is very good horror it is. It's scary Smiley coming up. That for some creeped me out when Smiley came from that little sack or whatever. And then seeing the man in yellow too, that terrified me.

Speaker 2:

That guy scared the crap out of me.

Speaker 5:

I never met him either and I was like what the heck you?

Speaker 2:

know what that tells you? You don't mess with old people, no, yeah.

Speaker 3:

You don't respect your elders. It terrifies me Just a second ago, when I was talking about your eye being blacked out, I was like I wonder if he's going to be the yellow man. Who, If you end up be the yellow man? Who If you end up becoming the yellow man? Really I was blacked out.

Speaker 4:

Elgin is Elgin.

Speaker 5:

That would be cool though.

Speaker 2:

Elgin is enough, man Come on.

Speaker 5:

I'd be the biggest monster. Get my, get back.

Speaker 3:

He's like Uncle Smiley already he's Uncle uncle smiley, I know we just had jamie on um, uh, jamie mcguire mcguire yeah we just had him on like an hour ago, you know. Yeah, like we actually named him Smiley. Really. We're the ones responsible for that.

Speaker 2:

What happened was I was talking to Donna, I was talking to Donna, I was talking to Liz about it, and it was the week of episode eight, you know.

Speaker 3:

No no.

Speaker 2:

This was the first time we had and Esther, like what's the deal with that guy? That's that smiles, that smiley guy. He scares the crap out of us. I never really met him because, yeah, they weren't in the same scenes, yeah it was the.

Speaker 3:

She was the first person we ever had, like the first actor we ever had on the show, and so we were covering season one when she came on and you know we just were doing an interview with her. You know she hadn't interviewed with anybody about the show at all, like we were the first she was our first. You know, we were her first and we were just like tell us about that monster, the one that smiles, the smiley one.

Speaker 3:

you tell us about that monster, the one that smiles, the smiley one you know, tell us about it, we're like have you seen him on set? What's he like?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, he's talented and he's like, yeah, that smile is. It's so friendly but also terrifying. Does he smell like that in?

Speaker 4:

casual conversation. Yeah, what'd you say?

Speaker 5:

Does he smell like that in casual conversation? Yeah, what'd you say? Does he? Does he smell like that in casual conversation? Yeah, yeah, it's much more warm. He really puts on the you know how to use it for as a weapon. He doesn't use it as a weapon, yeah yeah that's following the game, though I guess they that's not absolutely.

Speaker 3:

did you know that he was an extra and that smile got him that part? Yeah, yeah, you never know, you never know, I did an extra and it's so much fun.

Speaker 2:

And you're still here. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'm still here.

Speaker 1:

I mean, yeah, and I think the monsters, though people get cast.

Speaker 3:

I know where it's going to lead. Yeah, it's still here.

Speaker 5:

It's awesome, you know. I mean it's definitely extra. And I think the monsters, though, like people get cast in the monsters, I feel like they're so committed, you know, even when you see them on the day, like they're committed, like you get scared before the scene, like it's natural. They cause you to really feel like fear and stuff fair and stuff before the scene starts. They're really good.

Speaker 3:

Shoulder, bass and cowboy creep me out.

Speaker 2:

And that nurse, when she went like this boom the boy. I was like oh jeez.

Speaker 5:

Did she?

Speaker 3:

have lived that. She had lived that, didn't she?

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 3:

She very slowly brings her hand up.

Speaker 2:

Oh, here we go, one of your peeps, andy.

Speaker 4:

I will try to get to Wisconsin, for sure. There you go.

Speaker 2:

But thank you.

Speaker 4:

Truly appreciate that.

Speaker 2:

But, nathan, I mean, what is your Vision for your character now? I mean, I'm just pie in the sky. Where do you think he can go from here? I know anywhere? Maybe to an eye doctor, maybe to an eye doctor. Yeah, I think I, maybe to an eye doctor maybe to an eye doctor.

Speaker 5:

I think I want to explore, because there's certain people that's flashed into the seasons I'm not going to say much that people go back and watch, but that remind me of Elgin. Just looking at them, I wonder if he has some history there that also ties into other characters that are having visions. You know, like, does he have a certain amount of history? Um, and so yeah, I want to see where that's going because, like, there's some similarities with some people that have been shown on the show.

Speaker 2:

So no, absolutely, absolutely, it's. It's interesting. I mean, I'm not to lie, I've said this all along this has been a tough season. It's been a very satisfying season, very satisfying. It's been tough to watch. You were going through hell, fatima was going through hell. There was nobody that wasn't going through hell, except for Jade. Yeah, so true.

Speaker 5:

I don't think anything jade was having a tough time yeah, I think at the end, when he realized that you know him and like tabitha like had a child together, whatever, I feel like that started to shake everything off, you know, like I feel, feel like that was when the mystery kind of disappeared and like the reality of who he is and what he is kind of struck him. Yeah beautiful.

Speaker 4:

There's a line in the stand for Jade now, and what comes next is going to be very interesting. Yeah, very interesting as well as Muriel, randall and Julie.

Speaker 5:

I'm super excited to see where those you know where they go, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Very excited. I always ask this oh, I'm sorry, go ahead.

Speaker 3:

Sorry. So now that we know reincarnation is involved with the storyline, right? So do you think that people like Sarah and Elgin might be one timers, since they are acting as foils to the storyline like the bad guys?

Speaker 5:

yeah, maybe.

Speaker 3:

I mean, do you think that they're reincarnated like who would they be reincarnated as? I'm trying to grow my mind on this.

Speaker 4:

I think the reincarnation has to do with everyone that is involved, with the children. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

But what I'm wondering, like every time we go through the cycle, are there purposely good people, good sweet people, like Sarah said to Elgin? Are there good sweet people that are corrupted by the entity in order to keep things on track?

Speaker 5:

sarian elgin's um place or whatever, just on the count of like things have are changing right and something has disrupted this, the, the cycle. Um, I don't know what point it would have, but something has disrupted cycle. I don't know if it was. They're not obeying the law or whatever the directive. Or was elgin coming to town and saving julie, mur and Randall helping save them? But something has to right. So, yeah, maybe I could say maybe, but yeah, I don't know, I don't know. Maybe Tabitha and and Jade, maybe them actually figuring out. I don't know, I don't know. That's something I'm thinking about. Yeah, I'm not sure.

Speaker 2:

So, nathan, I want to show you this. One of our listeners had a huge party for the Frum finale and you were actually featured in it. Oh, for real, yeah, what, yeah, wait, I want to show you because you're not going to believe this. Flash, flash, flash.

Speaker 5:

You're a guest of honor there. I'm a guest of honor. How is that a guest of honor?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so if you can see, we've got Elgin's blood. We've got. Fatima's trash the Nomi dead cow. We've got the talismans. Wait, the best is. Kenny's dad is the ribs. Oh my God, that is bigans. Wait, the best is. Kenny's dad is the ribs.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, that is big, and this is the best part of the note. She says Nikki's bullet holes were the best thing. They couldn't even they made it. I guess it's like a donut, and they're the ones that oh my God, so her name, just so you know. I'm going to post it on our Instagram so you can tag everybody. That is so funny. That is so funny. It's. It's just too much. It's Bridget.

Speaker 5:

Bridget Brenna, bridget Brenna. Oh geez, bridget Ruthless, ruthless, cause she didn't get my eyes, my eyes, off the menu but he's dad is crazy.

Speaker 2:

So what else you got going on right now? I know I asked you this the last time you were on. What else you got going on?

Speaker 5:

So right now not much. Not much. Actually. We're doing a bit of music. Actually, today after the finale I went to my buddy who plays his name's Harm, so Hype on Spotify. He's making a Christmas EP so I was helping him do some writing for one of the songs. I was just doing some writing so that was fun, but right now nothing, nothing. I think in the new year there's a chance I can be doing a theater show, but that depends on when from or if from, I guess it's true. When from it's starting to shoot yeah. I don't have to say if from, I guess it's true. When from it's starting to shoot, yeah. I don't want to say if from anymore.

Speaker 2:

I know it's happening. You don't want to shoot in freezing cold in Nova Scotia. You want to wait till it's like. I don't know warm.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I would prefer that. Yes, yes, I can't say that. All the other cast people. You know they can complain. I was in studio pretty much the entire shoot and I'm still like miserable over it's too miserable having to leave in that cold. But um, we'll see, though. Hopefully it's not like cold when we start shooting, because that's not stuff andy, here's your chance.

Speaker 2:

What questions do you have for him?

Speaker 4:

oh gosh, you put me on the spot um, uh, are you bummed that you're gonna have to get to work early every single day to put on prosthetics now? Oh, my God.

Speaker 5:

You thought about that.

Speaker 3:

That always happens, sorry.

Speaker 5:

I'm a night owl too. Like I'm going to be running on so many, I'm going to have to change my sleep schedule. But yeah, for the prosthetic. No, I'm not bummed, but like having to get up early, I am bummed, yes.

Speaker 4:

I feel that yeah.

Speaker 5:

Unless I'm shooting in the evening, evening's fine, then I can just get up regular time.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they should prep you before you go to bed and then you can just like wake up and unroll in and do the During this thing I think I got most of my prosthetic on.

Speaker 5:

Then I got my hand done. Then Patrick had to work on someone else or fix something else. I just went to sleep for a good hour.

Speaker 4:

My next question. Actually, that's the time that you just zonk out. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I do love set naps. I do love set naps.

Speaker 2:

There you go. Who doesn't?

Speaker 5:

love a good nap.

Speaker 4:

I don't care if it's on the set or not. You ain't lying. I could go to bed at 8pm and if I have to wake up at 5, it doesn't matter, I'll be tired, alright.

Speaker 2:

Man, I would love to talk to you all night, but if we don't get to this episode, I'm going to have people that are going to be kicking my ass. If you want to help, stick around, and we just got to get through this, or else she's going to kill me and my wife's going to kill me. So I want to see all this, but we got to keep moving on. I'm not saying don't leave, stay where you can stay. We're just going to start talking about non-elgin blood.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

I know. You know what I'm saying in blood.

Speaker 5:

Man, I know you know what I'm saying. Come on, yeah, I know I'm gonna go watch that movie. Still, I still gotta watch the size of the lens again. So I gotta do that. I thought you're gonna bring it up and shame me, but I didn't.

Speaker 2:

You know, I didn't get the other thing is on that list you have to watch two other movies now. After watching smiley reincarnate, you have to watch Poltergeist, poltergeist okay. And you have to watch the first Terminator when he comes out, he looks exactly like that.

Speaker 5:

I watched that one too. I did watch that one, I just don't remember. But just like that, I did.

Speaker 2:

You're young, pop. I got shoes older than you, annie's got shoes older than you and Lizzie's just too old and we don't even care.

Speaker 3:

But oh my god, my oldest pair of shoes is from 1995 and you know what?

Speaker 2:

he's younger than that martin's. Yeah, he doesn't even know who the president was back then, because it's probably george washington.

Speaker 3:

He's no reagan was it bill clinton? No, it was Reagan, I don't remember.

Speaker 2:

Was it Bill Clinton? No, you're not even American. Go back to Canada. I know.

Speaker 5:

Reagan, I know Obama.

Speaker 3:

It was Obama, it might have been Bill.

Speaker 2:

Clinton, all I know is you have been such a joy this year.

Speaker 3:

For the Bushes, yeah, no, oh, maybe the first Bush. Okay, and it's a political topic, that's another topic, but anyway no, oh, maybe the first push.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that's another topic. But anyway, we've got to move on and I'm not saying don't hang out, I'm just saying we've got to get to the other important stuff. Other important stuff After you get your ass kicked by Sarah. Yeah, and, like I said, I know there's other parts of the show. Yeah, why didn't? You fight back man, why didn't you?

Speaker 5:

fight back. I was tied up, I couldn't, I couldn't. Actually, I was actually tied up, I couldn't move and I I don't know who tied me up, but they made it was tight. It was tight, I couldn't move. I liked it though. I liked it made it more real, but like it was it was. People may say, oh, why didn't he get out? I couldn't like, how was that?

Speaker 4:

I couldn't. He also had a room full of people just like glaring at him, so yeah, yeah, especially I was trying to kill me. Yeah.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I said I'm sorry about your mom. He said what are you saying?

Speaker 2:

That'd be nice, man. All right, when are we going? Where are we going, Miss Lizzie? This guy's going up all night, so he's going to start playing music. We're going to have a little music, I know. I do have to go.

Speaker 5:

I do have to go. I do have to go, do me a favor. Why don't you?

Speaker 2:

call Avery. That's your girl, you know, since you have that whole thing going on and then we'll just make it the whole party. I know, I know you got it Next time you should get me and Avery on, though That'd be funny, I'd love to have her on with you, because just to watch you two work together she would get to the point you couldn't see. It's a match made in heaven.

Speaker 5:

I think so or hell, one of the two. It's made though.

Speaker 1:

It's something it's definitely something All right man, We'll talk to you.

Speaker 5:

I'm a dip, but I'll see you guys next time. Thank you for having me on, man.

Speaker 2:

Thank you man.

Speaker 5:

We'll talk soon, for sure. Thank you, see you later, let's meet again.

Speaker 2:

Bye, bye, all right, now that we're completely off rails.

Speaker 4:

I did acknowledge your dad joke. She'd get to the point you couldn't see.

Speaker 2:

Oh good, yeah, I got it. There's nothing any worse than that. See, now you're front and center. Sorry guys, we got a little derailed. We're going to Matthews family.

Speaker 3:

We were talking about them. And so let's see, victor tells Ethan Julie comes out and she takes Ethan to the diner. We're going to catch up with them later. Jim goes into the house and Tabitha is telling him about the experience at the root cellar and tells Jim she could feel, because this is where she walks up and she sees Victor standing there and when she hugged Victor she could feel Miranda in the room, but she's still not connecting it. She's like she. It was more than just a vision, so we're going to go from there to.

Speaker 3:

Can I just say we covered what's that idiot?

Speaker 2:

why? Because not that he deserved to die, because we're going to get to that in a minute, but yeah, he has been, without a doubt, the most clueless person in this whole world yeah, is it also had he's had some of the most potential too in season one, like he was doing, yeah, great things and contributing, and then like, yeah, season two.

Speaker 3:

He just seemed to step back. I feel like he had one thought about something, exactly, and that was it.

Speaker 2:

He had one thought that was it. Yeah, I just I'm so disappointed at what they did to him and if there's a criticism, I have a criticism of that. You know he comes off, he's an engineer and he's got knowledge, yeah, and they basically made it a power play between him and Jade and it shouldn't have been. I mean it should have been, don't get me wrong, it should have been. Yeah, he never got on the train, yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

It just went somewhere else.

Speaker 4:

Also, if he would have survived, it would have been a very dramatic and interesting situation. What happens next?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, because like you know, even with him. When I was asking the question about Sarah and Elgin I was. I was wondering about Jim, because now it's obvious that in every reincarnated life Jade wasn't actually Tabitha's husband, or at least in this life. He wasn't and definitely wasn't in the previous life, because that was Henry.

Speaker 2:

So, no, no no Crystal Rose, Jade.

Speaker 3:

I'm saying yeah, but Miranda was married to Henry. No.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying we're saying the same thing, I know what you're saying.

Speaker 3:

Jim is always Miranda's husband. What's that?

Speaker 4:

For a second. She had three husbands alive at once in a weird sense, you know. Yeah, she did.

Speaker 3:

I was like that's a complicated situation. And she managed it so well. I would have been like, oh, I could barely manage you guys.

Speaker 2:

That's where I go.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so it actually the conversation with Nathan brought us up to the next section, which is Ethan and Julie, and they really just. If you weren't really paying attention, if you didn't realize that you were watching from, you might have taken the scene in the diner as just a throwaway. Just a throwaway. Ethan worries about forgetting. It's introduced by Ethan worrying about forgetting how Tian Chen was and I think we've all been there, having lost someone and forgetting some of the nuances about someone that we cared about. And then we're reminded when something comes up and Julie reassures him, you know, because he's not just worried about forgetting about Tian Chen, he's worried about forgetting what Thomas was like. And Julie then starts talking about the ruins and how she went someplace. And, yeah, ethan does wear yellow a lot. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

I don't think he's the man in yellow.

Speaker 3:

It would have been interesting if Elgin was wearing yellow in this episode, but anyway, Elgin can't change his shirt.

Speaker 2:

I mean, the guy needs a friggin' bath. Elgin hasn't changed his shirt since he's been the front.

Speaker 4:

He'll never get that crow shirt off, Elgin yeah.

Speaker 2:

You have to peel it off of him literally.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know what it is. It's because you know when you go to sleep and then you wake up. You generally change your clothes. The poor guy hasn't slept.

Speaker 2:

Maybe girls do not necessarily boys, but okay.

Speaker 3:

Oh, all right, Whatever, no, no, no. So Julie tells him about the things that she saw like you know, the three of them being chained that she was in the tunnels and it was a different time that she heard her mother and Victor talking, and she believes that she was actually there. And Ethan tells her he introduces the term story walker. Have either of you ever heard that term before?

Speaker 4:

no, but it's awesome it is. I was like I'm all about Julie being kind of superhero at this point yeah, I've never heard the term before, but it was catchy. I just the common uncle how cool would that be.

Speaker 2:

It's a game name, gamer name.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, oh yeah yeah, how cool would that be as a game name, a gamer name, a great AM name. Yeah, you know what?

Speaker 3:

I'm saying oh yeah, Storywalker. Yeah. You know what the? Thing? Is A term like that sounds like it's been around forever, like remember when Lost came up with? Oh, it's their backstory. They invented that term backstory. Yeah, you know, and backstory seems like it had been around forever. And that's what Storywalker sounds like, so she can visit different chapters of a story that have already happened. But when she says, maybe I can go back and fix things, ethan's like no, you can't, it's already happened that's.

Speaker 4:

That cracks open a much bigger conversation. We're like, yeah, in the end scene she was communicating, so why couldn't she have changed something it? It goes to say that whatever she did while she story walks actually happened like the rope, right, yeah, yeah. So it's like, well, why she didn't say anything to him saying like you're about to die? Like yeah, not at all. So it's really strange I was like so no, she didn't change anything. But why couldn't she have?

Speaker 3:

I know like I mean. The rope thing seems so seamless right like we didn't know who threw the rope until we saw that scene and then.

Speaker 2:

But we also Up to her Getting to that point? Yeah, we don't know. But no, no meaning this, martin told her to throw the rope, yeah, where we don't know what led up to it, maybe or even how she did it. Well, my point being is, the man in yellow Could have met her Before In the future. The scene that's missing, like you said, with the whole rope thing, we don't know what the scene before that is, because she had scars, she had scratches on her face. That's what I'm trying to say.

Speaker 2:

There's something else going on, that we don't know, that we'll find out in five years.

Speaker 3:

The thing was like if you looked at what she was wearing, I don't recall her ever wearing that, so it makes me think someone her size has shown up since and those maybe but her sneakers were the same At. At first I thought that they were black, but when the man in yellow bats her away, her feet go up and I can see that they're the red adidas.

Speaker 4:

Yeah that's a detail lizzie that's good well, I know, that's what you do.

Speaker 3:

I wear Adidas, so that has something to do with it, but the wig, like her hair, is totally different. Right. To me. All right, that's in the future. We know that that.

Speaker 2:

You're talking about. You're talking about Julie.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, she had dark hair. That was a wig. It was in a Bob cut. Go back and look at that.

Speaker 4:

It was supposed to like look like the character is wearing a wig.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. Wait, hold on a second. Do you think that is when her and Elgin were doing the whole eighties thing?

Speaker 4:

That's what I thought. Think about it for a second. She would have that memory, though.

Speaker 2:

But there's no point in bringing it up now.

Speaker 3:

But she couldn't travel to the future.

Speaker 4:

Because she was like. This is when it happens.

Speaker 3:

She says that line this is when I think, this is when it happens. She says that line this is when I think it, I think this is when it happens, or something like that those lines.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I think she's coming from a place we haven't seen yet, okay here we go.

Speaker 2:

Well, definitely, yeah. No, it's just a bad wig for her. The costume yeah her mom.

Speaker 3:

I was chit-chatting with her mom in real life, Terry, and she said that the wig was very uncomfortable. Oh well, I know, when I'm on set and my little actor kids are wearing wigs. That's one of the first things that I ask them Like, is this comfortable? Like I've had uncomfortable wigs and it's awful.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. So if she has a different haircut and she looks like she's kind of done up, I wonder if do you think she got out of town?

Speaker 3:

because it makes me wonder yeah, yeah, she looked a little like nicer than someone that's been living in different clothes yeah, like it was a nice jacket, like I was like I wonder if that's maybe, but like midnight blue corduroy Levi coat that now I have to have and the sweater she does. She looks like a teenager for sure, I don't know. So the thing that Ethan says to her is that no one can stay to change the story once it's been told. But then again, you don't know sometimes until you try. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, exactly Daphne. She did look like she was more up to date, but wait look at this yeah, Mark's like.

Speaker 2:

She was like Randall's neck Rand. Look at this she had three marks like Randall's neck.

Speaker 3:

Randall just has one. Oh, wait a minute, randall has like three on his neck, it's just the monsters doing their thing. Yeah. I wonder if she had to go out at night to get back there.

Speaker 4:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we will see.

Speaker 3:

We will see in like three years yeah, maybe, yeah, maybe, um, so let's hop on over to number six, which is but we covered a lot of boyd yeah um but one of the things

Speaker 2:

was that the next one is Jade, Jim and Tabitha.

Speaker 3:

I left number six. Oh, by accident, boyd is number six. Oh, I see yeah that's my fault, oh wait, boyd is. Oh yeah, because it goes Matthew's family 5A Boyd was number six. Then we were going to 5Bhan and julie that's why where do you want to go? Back to boyd, and what I wanted to mention was boyd's double standard. So remember like what's that?

Speaker 4:

katri pointed it out, which was great, because a lot of times when you're watching TV you're like why would they not think or say this? And then Katri was the voice of reason and it was just nice to see that brought to the characters, like make him confront it, you know.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, and I do love Katri being his conscience. I really really love that. And actually Sean Majunder may or may not be our next surprise guest, depending on what happens. He's doing stand-up tonight in Halifax, nova Scotia. He was like it's possible, but you never know.

Speaker 4:

It could happen.

Speaker 3:

At any rate, fatima killed somebody. You never know. Yeah, it could happen. So at any rate, yeah, like you know, he thought I'm going to kill somebody, you know not, bob. What was Bob's character name?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Frank gets his family killed. He goes in the box. Sarah kills Nathan, who should be going in the box, but she's got some kind of special ability so she doesn't go in the box. But then Fatima kills like outright kills Tilly, unprovoked, nothing attached to it.

Speaker 4:

Or did Smiley kill her? Yeah, oh yes, smiley killed her. No one's going to buy that, but I'm just saying as the audience.

Speaker 3:

it's like he drove her to kill her. Yeah. You know, because she said, like it just there was something in me that's not me, you know.

Speaker 2:

But you know Sky makes a point. You know he tried to let Frank out of the box.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

I would say, frank's ghost is probably super offended where he's like really I was all noble and went into the box willingly, and then you're just letting anyone live who you want to.

Speaker 2:

Well he's Bob, probably in a couple weeks and he probably will endorse that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I love when Bob's on let's see, let's see. Boy does All right. So then that gets us to the end of the Boyd. And so now we're up to Jay, Jim and Tabitha, and this is them kind of spending the day together. You know figuring things out, you know. So Jim goes to the bar and apologizes to Jade, which I think went a long way for Jade. You know Jade and his little tough personality and it seems like you know Jim's always saying I'm just trying to protect my family and it just seems like that is his only job in front, Like after the whole radio thing, you know, like we were saying he just dies down. So he goes back to the house and tells Tabitha, and Tabitha tells Jade what happened to Miranda and you know Miranda being killed and Jade says his visions are him seeing things that shouldn't be there, and if you think about it, I'm thinking about at least four of them, like christopher. Now we know he was christopher yeah, seeing himself the man under the rock.

Speaker 3:

Could that have been jade in another life?

Speaker 4:

that's a good idea. Yeah, that's a good thought. Maybe those are all days then the guy that was choking him, what's up with that? That just I haven't thought about that.

Speaker 3:

The guy that was choking him, I forget.

Speaker 4:

When they go to the village. He was like you, oh yeah yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

But was that guy Jade or was he one of the settlers? Because remember that guy was drinking blood. Now that has a whole new meaning.

Speaker 4:

now, what's that that?

Speaker 3:

has a whole new meaning. Now, what's that?

Speaker 4:

That has a whole new possible meaning.

Speaker 3:

It does have a whole new meaning. Maybe he's having a baby.

Speaker 4:

He might be having a baby. Yeah, that's urgent, that's urgent.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because, like that's the thing, because I was like maybe the Civil War guy was also Jade when Jade ended up there. So we don't know what happens to that civil war guy, he just runs off right. So then, but the only one that wasn't like the other three was the settler. And remember, um, um, alex, that remember when that came up I made the little video about.

Speaker 2:

I saw the eye roll no, I know I was doing this, I wasn't eye rolling, I was okay.

Speaker 3:

The date, the dates, one I know it's when you're talking about yeah, so yeah, because, like, remember, I was like I was saying this is, I was saying this is French Canada, you know French Canada. And because he was taking communion. But maybe he wasn't taking communion at all. Maybe that guy either was becoming one of the monsters, like one of the heavier guys, like the guy in the mechanics outfit or the guy that works on the docks, but maybe he was in the process of turning.

Speaker 4:

Well, we know I mean, we actually know what the monsters are now. They're cursed people that sacrifice their children, so now it might take the whole like turning into a monster thing completely off the table.

Speaker 3:

Well, but they have to get there somehow, like they have to transform somehow. But maybe he was one of the maybe that was part of the process was to start like they had to drink the blood of the children oh right, yeah, that's okay, that's a yeah, that's like part of the process. Yeah, like yeah.

Speaker 4:

Also not a good thought. That's a weird thing to say after talking about drinking the blood of children. That's a great thought, I know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, it had to happen somehow. So then this was such a moment for me personally, like I went to. I went to college for chemistry and biology and I was just always thinking about stuff and you know I'd be reading the text and it'd be like blah, blah, blah, blah, you know, and on the other, like that's one side of the brain doing all that kind of stuff, but then on the other side there's lizzie that believes in ghosts and reincarnation and like there's something else going on in this world, and, um, like something supernatural. And then jade brings up the first law of thermodynamics. It's that energy can net neither be created or destroyed, it just changes from one form to another.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. And I was like, cause I've always like I've thought about reincarnation a lot, cause I'm convinced that I've been here and I know of a couple of lives that you know could have been. But you know, like everything that we do, like everything that's going on in your, your brain, it's like neurons firing that's energy question I have.

Speaker 2:

I have what's the end game? And again, I'm not trying to solve this whole thing. Is this just really elaborate? Just live forever, wait. But are these people the Jades, the Tabithas, the whatever? Is this just a really really elaborate Groundhog Day?

Speaker 4:

I don't know, maybe I think in a sense it is. I think what they've done is they've laid down the groundwork for the beginning and now they've sprinkled in. Especially, what comes next will be like sprinkling in the end and clearly we have maybe the big bad, or maybe that's just the next level monsters with the man in yellow, but I think they're just giving us the foundation, and I mean we could talk theories all day. Maybe it's like he need the entity. The man in yellow, whatever it is, brings people into town and it needs souls to continue living and the monsters are his pawns yeah, no, I know, and that was my thing from from day one of this season, when Martin had said there's something worse than the monsters.

Speaker 2:

Now you could, we could have a whole week of theories about that, right, but you know, yeah, we didn't get there yet. But but you know, jade, we figured out that Jade has been possibly these other people.

Speaker 3:

We figured out that Jade has been possibly these other people, yeah. As has.

Speaker 2:

Tabitha. So has Tabitha, but the real kind of turning point in that whole thing is that finally, after three seasons, jim has finally gotten on the boat. Yeah, he's thinking, okay, you know my wife isn't crazy, I'm the problem, and you know he had that heart-to-heart with Henry. Yeah, that changed things for them but at the same time, the main thing is that teacup figured out the biggest problem, and from he was the.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he had the password like yeah but really, I mean, but when you actually think about the, so they played the song, and then that let the children summon to them, but they were communicating with them. So what, what, what, what did that song actually do? Is there more to that?

Speaker 3:

Um, I think all the kids, all the children wanted them to do was. I think the first step was to remember who they were okay and the it I.

Speaker 3:

It makes me wonder if, if marie, if tabitha and jade had made that bottle tree, because, like I think about the people that first came over, because these the original settlers that did this Right and we know that at least this continent, north America, was settled by people looking for religious freedom. Who's to say that all these people were God fearing people? Some of these people could have been worshiping the devil.

Speaker 2:

But you know what? Yeah, I think to your point. I think, Daisy, Daisy, you know it's. It wasn't for the kids. It's so that Tabitha and Jade can remember the story.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the song is a very powerful memory trigger. You'll hear a song that you didn't know, that you haven't heard in 20 years, and it'll bring up memories from when you were a teenager or something, and I think that's what.

Speaker 2:

This is the thing that I think I went to after this whole episode. It reminded me a lot of the Matrix. I have not seen those movies.

Speaker 3:

I haven't seen none of that.

Speaker 4:

I've seen everything except the new one.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm just saying. But what I'm saying is, if you know, the Matrix, it's basically a computer program that just keeps there's a bazillion Neos, there's a bazillion this. It's the same person that just keeps there's a bazillion Neos, there's a bazillion this. It's the same person. They just reincarnate a different version. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

You know, until they get it right or whatever, but the song somehow brought out the yellow man. No, that's not true. The song didn't bring the yellow man out. Well, we don't know that. I don't think it did, but maybe I didn't know that we don't.

Speaker 3:

I don't think it did, but maybe I didn't take that oh sorry, I just I want to go back to what I was saying about the settlers. So what I was thinking was that not all settlers that came to the new world could have been god-fearing people. These could have been people that were being persecuted in Europe because they were worshiping the devil. And so perhaps the yellow man is the devil and said go to the new world, find a place you can worship me, free of all the other trappings of this society, like just go out in the middle of the woods or whatever, or. And so they get there and they're one thing bring the children, and that's how you will live forever. And so he's the one. I think they all went there to do that and killed the children.

Speaker 4:

I mean that's what I thought. It correlates with my thought when the unveil of the people that sacrificed their children. I was like what kind of people would want to live with themselves forever after they sacrificed their own child? Devil, or reverse would fit that profile.

Speaker 2:

Look at that skyhead nail on the head. There's no Bible there.

Speaker 3:

There's no Bibles there and that you know, like I went back because I wanted to look at, not that you guys can see this, but this is a page from when Alex and I were redoing season one and this is book 74, a page from book 74 when Katri is talking about it. You know the 73 books but there's no 74, you know, you know. But he mentions that there's no Bibles in town and that perhaps they are writing this next book lost, you know, in the storytelling, and then they were able to kind of get things back on track and they've taken they've definitely taken um things elements from season two and, have you know, have brought it right into season three. But this season seems more natural to the first season than the second season did in retrospect. Yeah, I still loved season two, but it's like one of these are not like the others yeah, they needed.

Speaker 2:

We don't know what happened there could have been. There could have been a whole bunch of reasons why that is yeah, budget, whatever else, and it could have been on purpose.

Speaker 3:

This whole thing could be on purpose, like the way it's played out.

Speaker 2:

I'm just looking, I'm just looking at some of this stuff and, gee, you know, it's not that we're saying it's a pilgrim story. What we're saying is that it could be back, that that far we don't know how long this has been going back. Yeah, you know, this could just be a cursed, whatever. I mean, who knows?

Speaker 4:

yeah things in the show that date back to those times. So it's logical about yeah, that's why we're bringing it up, we wouldn wouldn't have brought it up either way.

Speaker 2:

The reason why. That's the reason why If we didn't have guys drinking blood out of skulls that look like pilgrims and the first week they're in log-ish cabins or whatever, you know, we would never have done that.

Speaker 3:

And the thing is too like. Maybe they came over as God-fearing people, but we don't know what. This world, every single sound, everything they saw could be terrifying, and if there was a dark entity already there, it would be easy pickings for that entity to sway them toward wanting to kill their kids so that they could live forever.

Speaker 4:

Right yeah.

Speaker 2:

And Sky brings up. You know those paintings that Were in the basement. Yeah, henry's basement.

Speaker 3:

I mean not pilgrims, but it was a pilgrim looking person.

Speaker 2:

They were older. That's all I'm saying.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, exactly, they have different ages. You know they have monsters, that's all I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly, they have different ages. You know they have monsters that are 50s. They've got. I mean they're in that era or whatever. For whatever reason, I mean there's got to be. I mean the yellow man doesn't look like he's in the well, who knows what he looks like right now. But but, yeah, but, that all being said, I mean you know we've got a couple more topics that we want to talk about.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Because we've got to wrap this up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so anyway, they're brainstorming out in the trailer. You know what is 12? What things represent, 12 of this or 12 of that? It kind of surprises me that Jade, being the violinist and musician, never thought about the scales, and right before Jim said it, I was like I wonder if music is. Trust me, I'm no brain like that, like Jim.

Speaker 2:

To your point, it's been all about music yeah, it has been there's been a lot of show is about music yeah it's definitely a character um go ahead.

Speaker 2:

no, I was gonna say, you know, and, and I just think that it's so ironic, like you said, I think it was so simple that it was so simple that it was hard for Jade because he kept looking in the wrong places. And you know, it's a blessing that David does play the violin and they could really incorporate that Mark that in. Because that was not part of the storyline originally cool instrument for like for that story.

Speaker 4:

Now that we see how it's been going on for so long, a violin is one of the four things and they implanted it back in season two. Right, right, yeah, yeah they were.

Speaker 3:

They were thinking about this in some way, and I remember now why I thought music it was when jim said the, the fibonacci sequence, which when I teach it it's a lot of fun, but I couldn't tell you what it is right now. You know, I always have to go back and it's like I'm learning it again.

Speaker 2:

But that's what made me think of it. He's saying that it's not about the music. Well, the first scene what do we got? We've got the at the diner. We've got the music boxes there. The second season was the music boxes, and now we have this. Music has some kind of it's a character. It's a place in this place.

Speaker 4:

Not to be disregarded in any sense.

Speaker 3:

clearly, yeah, there's a reason why it's doing it. So they figure out the song and then decide that they're going to go to the faraway tree where the bottles are, to play the music.

Speaker 2:

That was a great scene. Should we play it here, let's see what happens. Let's go to the bottle tree.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, but it wasn't the faraway one, though Like it wasn't the faraway tree and it was the faraway one, though Like it wasn't the faraway tree and it was the one.

Speaker 3:

I wonder if it was the one that Boyd and Sarah found you know oh maybe are trying to lead jade to the tree for the notes so that he would play the music, so that the music would remind um, remind them, of the children. And jade says we tried to save them because one of them and then he stops talking tabitha stops him as he realizes and she walks off and Jim follows, which brings us to the last sequences, which go along pretty quickly once you get going. So Jim stops to talk to Jade and says you know what happens. And Jade says we used to sing them lullabies. And Jade is visibly shook, like he is shaken, and Jim goes after Tabitha. She doesn't want to talk to him.

Speaker 3:

And I was really confused by Jim because he was being rough with her and then he would be gentle, and then he was rough with her again and then he was gentle, but she doesn't want to tell him. Um, you know why she and why she sees the children, why jade sees them? And it's because there's more than one. And she says that's why there's more than one bracelet. Because, remember, she pulls the bracelet out of the glove compartment, she finds the bracelet in the storage area at the diner and then the bracelet she made Jim was lost.

Speaker 4:

Right, that bracelet was lost, yeah, and it came back.

Speaker 3:

When Julie was born?

Speaker 4:

I think no, we don't know, so that might not be. Oh, she said the same Nick is on it. I was like that might not actually be the same bracelet.

Speaker 3:

That was Jim's, yeah but she keeps making the same bracelet. That was jim's, but yeah. But she keeps making the same bracelet over and over and still the same knot is wrong yeah, like I wonder if they both planted seeds to try to unlock their memories and jade's character way back.

Speaker 4:

When was the song?

Speaker 3:

and her character was bracelets, and that's like the, the two attempts yeah that's a good point, yeah, um, so she says that they've been there before, her and jade. She was miranda and jade was christopher. They came back over and over again because they failed the first time and Jim Jim's just like incredulous to this Jade and she were there in the beginning. They tried to save the kids and see and set the children free, because one of them was theirs, a daughter. Jim says no, she says she feels it and walks off. Needing time, so she walks off. Hopefully she gets in before dark, and then Jim flashes back, or Jim flashes back to the RV remembering a better time. Remember that when he says sometimes I remember what it was like when it wasn't like this, what it was like before, so that line could be talking about before Thomas was killed. Sure.

Speaker 3:

Or just the whole reincarnation thing, like when it wasn't like this, like modern times. You know, maybe they had been married before or maybe just knew each other. Before he walks through the woods he comes to the RV and he takes a breath and cries and he hears Julie screaming for him and she pops up with the black bob cut which is a wig, bell, bottoms, different clothes not seen before. He calls to her and she runs to him telling him that he has to run, go to town, it's not safe. I think this is when it happens. She says and she needs to change the story. And that's when we meet the yellow man.

Speaker 4:

Do you think the yellow man can't get in a town, can't? Get into town you said you need to go to town.

Speaker 3:

You need to go to town.

Speaker 4:

That's a good point, because I've been waiting the whole show. I've been waiting to see a monster during the day. I was like that's going to have to happen and then it happens and I was like he can't just be almighty, going around just killing everybody. That's not interesting.

Speaker 3:

Right, and maybe the town is something that he can't get into. Right.

Speaker 2:

Maybe he is locked out of that area, okay so lisa has a pretty interesting point, uh that she asked did you think the monsters reincarnate in body?

Speaker 3:

but not, so I think they sold their souls yeah, yeah, that's well put yeah, that's a great point.

Speaker 2:

I mean I'm glad you redid it. Yeah again, maybe he needs the talismans to for the town to get into the place.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we don't know. There's a bigger talisman that we don't know about.

Speaker 3:

That's like kind of the core of the fromville like you know how sometimes they would lay a foundation stone and some in those foundation stones would be like prayed over and consecrated and the whole thing to protect. You know that town, but you know what. We just need this and then to talk about. We have to talk about Smiley, but you know he says that Jade's music was a hell of a song and Jim does the, the fatherly thing and he gets right in between Yellow man and Julie, and you know, and then Yellow man is like Jade sure can play and Jim tells Julie to go. Yellow man says that this didn't have to happen. Knowledge comes with a cost, and I'm drawing a blank. I know the answer to that. Whose knowledge was it? Them regaining knowledge of themselves?

Speaker 4:

yeah, and that's why it came with a cost I think he says well, now that you, you all know, like the, the this much lemma, the, the. Yeah, the structure to this, like you got to die.

Speaker 3:

But he kills Jim and not Julie or Tabitha or Jake that we know of.

Speaker 4:

That we know of, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean, it makes me wonder if he rains hell down on them after this you know, season four might be actually.

Speaker 2:

Now that, jim? Okay, keep going, going.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry I was just gonna say he grabs a branch and he's telling him to get back. And um, the yellow man says I tried to warn you. And I'm just like, and I'm sitting there today after seeing it multiple times. I'm like, when did he try to mourn? Well, I'm following yeah, yeah you

Speaker 4:

know, like you might say I tried to follow it up with that line, right yeah so yeah even said it yeah, your wife shouldn't have dug that hole, jim. And then he pulls jim's neck out and I'm like oh, I was just he was the one that I I always thought I was like if they were going to kill a main character, he would be the most logical, because yeah, just throw the story and he affects the main characters yeah deeply on that.

Speaker 2:

On that note, um, I put a little something for jim, since for Jim, since some people have called him the worst dad on TV, an absent dad, but in the end he protected his daughter, thank you. And you know, folks, I know we're on our 57th hour and we're talking the last episode of season three, episode 10. We've done two podcasts, I think I know.

Speaker 4:

He's got a long haul right now it's a long haul.

Speaker 3:

We just have one more scene.

Speaker 2:

I know we do the.

Speaker 3:

Michael Scott music.

Speaker 2:

Wait, hold on. Okay, yeah, what are we going?

Speaker 3:

All right. So what we didn't talk about and should have talked about first was Fatima giving birth. So she has picked up that piece of glass and she goes to like cut her belly.

Speaker 4:

Why would you let her do a sudden what's that? She literally gets taken over and to kill tilly yeah and then it's gonna let her start cutting. I was like. I was like wouldn't that the baby be freaking out? And like starting to control her again one would think that was my thought one would think.

Speaker 3:

But it could also come out kind of like c-sections style. But if it did, it would definitely kill her right, maybe it was just ready at that point she just wanted it out of her.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, she was done. But um, so the the kimono woman shows up and grabs the piece of glass and puts it up to her neck and then all of a sudden her water breaks. So if she was going to kill herself by giving herself a C-section, then the kimono woman, you know, helps Fatima give birth and out comes this like sack of flesh. Yeah. Like in a flesh bag. And so she walks. Now we know the purpose of those stairs.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

You know where Fatima couldn't open that, and it leads down to the tunnels below. So as the kimono woman goes down the stairs, that's when Boyd and Ellis break in and Boyd's like I have got to go. And they're like, oh, and he's like I got to see what they're like. Oh, and he's like I gotta see what's going on. We need this information right. So he follows kimono woman down the stairs and kimono woman comes in and puts the pound of flesh down on the floor and it starts moving. Like did you guys like, were you creeped out? Like when it looked like the adult size arm was moving underneath that, did that?

Speaker 4:

creep you out. I feel like they did that. That cgi was really well done and it was definitely, definitely creepy. I thought we were about to get the big bad and yeah, you know, but that it was definitely, definitely creepy. I thought we were about to get the big bad, yeah, you know, but it was definitely creepy.

Speaker 1:

It was like a seance, almost Not a seance, I'm saying like a ritual, it felt very ritualistic yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it was just smiley.

Speaker 4:

And I was like oh, I get it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it made total sense. Yeah, it made total sense. Like the violin music was so perfect for these last, like for all the sequences from you know, when Jade starts playing. It was just so perfect. And Smiley just coming up out of that flesh bubble and like he told us, like he, he was cold so it was not a body double, that was him yeah so yeah, so that was him. And when he turns around and smiles like it was so perfect it was shoulder bag is over there, like she's like smiling.

Speaker 4:

They're all just like smiling it's nice to have that scene so you can like visually see all of them at once too yeah, yeah, it was.

Speaker 3:

That was just like it was the last two pieces, the smileys rebirth, and you know the whole thing with, um, the bottle tree and the violin playing and, yeah, yellow man killing jim it also lets.

Speaker 4:

It makes the question who is the kim lady? A lot louder and bigger of a question. Yeah, she's going to be like the yellow band's wife that died.

Speaker 5:

I don't know it just when I was doing my minimal research.

Speaker 3:

It didn't say that the angel was good or bad. Maybe she's a fallen angel of some sort.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Um, but I just kind of think the yellow man is the devil. Yeah. Maybe this is hell on earth.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I just it'll be interesting to see how this all plays out, because you know why are these people getting picked? What like? How does that whole backstory start? Which people? Everybody, the tabitha, the, the, the jades, oh okay, you know. How is this all? Why, why are these people here? Why?

Speaker 3:

are they? There's got to be a good side to this. That is orchestrating these things yeah because remember they?

Speaker 3:

they said it's a big deal when two cars come to town at this on the same day. Right, think aboutters that have been killed off, almost like they don't mean anything. Like the Matthews family should have been killed period, like they were running for their lives from the second they got there. You know, trapped in an RV overnight, julie and Tabitha running up a hill in a rainstorm trying to get into the colony house. And yeah, he is the only one not smiling.

Speaker 4:

That's a good point.

Speaker 3:

That's a very good point.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Toby killed right away. His only job was to get Jade there.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

He was superfluous to this story. We don't need him, and you think about the people that have died. You know, since we've started watching this show, we didn't need the Prats.

Speaker 2:

They didn't play a part in this Gone, you know, and it was a great way to introduce us to this yeah little yeah to this town, like I mean, it's just the people that have died, we don't need a reason why these people are being chosen for like, like the emts make sense, but like there's all these extra people, because there's a ton of extras and the thing is, acosta could have been killed just as easily as the two emts. But see, she wasn't, because she has a role here she has a part right.

Speaker 3:

That's what I'm saying. Like those amts, their only job was to get them.

Speaker 2:

What I'm trying to say is, like you know, again I go keep going back to the same statement why, why are what's everybody's role? And and again. I know we're not going to answer tonight or whatever else, but again, you know, I go back to this. This Is the boy in white, the one side. Is the man in yellow, the other side.

Speaker 3:

That's what I think it is.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Because when Victor is talking to the boy in white in the last episode, like the boy in white is like look, I've been laying this out for you guys over and, over and over again and no one's doing it. No one is picking up what I'm putting down. So I've decided I'm just going to let you guys figure it out on your own.

Speaker 2:

Your question I have is why did they keep Victor alive?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it seems like there should have to be a reason.

Speaker 3:

You know why he should have, why he was supposed to be killed in the first season, because Ethan is the new Victor. That was the plan.

Speaker 2:

I understand that, but but regardless of that regardless of him dying in the first season.

Speaker 3:

And that's why I think the boy in white kept Victor, Because he's like I've done this neatly for you over and over again.

Speaker 2:

Why did they?

Speaker 3:

keep Victor so long Weird.

Speaker 4:

The boy in white did not present himself to Jade at all right Ever.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, never.

Speaker 4:

He did with Christopher, who is the same character.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean yeah, who knows if the boy in white is good or bad. He could be both, I mean, I. I my feeling is this though I don't think there is a there's, there's definitely bad, but I don't. I don't think there is such a thing as totally good or totally bad in this world maybe I don't know, yellow man look pretty bad.

Speaker 2:

No, but my point being is why is yellow man doing this? Why are these people doing this? Because they could be doing x y, because they were forced to x, y and z? Why did boyd beat the crap out of, uh, uh elgin elgin's hand and do all the other stuff that he did? Because he was trying to, you know, do certain things. Why does? Why does Father Khatri keep coming to Boyd? Because that's his conscience. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying Maybe, Boyd could become the yellow man. I don't think that would be it, but OK yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I mean there's just a lot of questions, and I mean you know why are there talismans? Who made it? They had to. Maybe that was they have to. Maybe that was what the boy in white did when he's like all right, I'm gonna back off on spoon feeding these people, but I've got to give them something in exchange. So I'm going to put those talismans out there for them.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

I mean, maybe he lost some of his power as the boy in white, if he's the one that made them.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I mean again, you have to think of it through ethan's eyes in terms of the chronicle. I keep going back to that, even though it's not really in play as much right now, but right now yeah, it is, drop it it's, which is really weird, because they wait, but it is in play, because what does julie keep doing? She keeps going back to Ethan and talking about his silly stories.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

They have not said the word clamenacle the whole season, right, but they keep going back to the silly stories. Yeah. Now those silly stories. I mean what is there? Maybe you guys know I think there's actually seven stories In the book. No, no, I mean like in history, you can only have like seven stories. Like in the book. No, no, I mean like in in history, you can only have like seven stories oh, there's seven like types of stories again and again.

Speaker 2:

This is coming from the guy that doesn't know how to read, so I mean, but my but my point is there's all these tropes and the one thing that we've we've noticed is there's the monsters and there's kids. I'm just thinking about this right now. I don't know where this is going, so just hear me out. There's some kind of a something with kids. There's something with family. Yeah, okay, there's something with these children. Obviously we know a little bit about the children, but the relationship between these families and these children every single one of these families has had problems with their children, except for Kenny yeah, throwing it out there. I don't know what that means.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean it's an interesting point and something to keep in mind. I, just I'm just oh. Papa, maybe Papa you're here. I noticed two green shakers on the kitchen table and thought about two crumb and knuckles for a moment. So you may be right, there you go.

Speaker 4:

That's it. There we go All right, I am not.

Speaker 3:

I am not Bible studied, I am. I just know very vague arts. But I know, you know, god had cast the devil out of heaven because of his vanity. Right, and they've been added.

Speaker 4:

What's that? Previously an angel.

Speaker 3:

Previously an angel. Fallen angel Isn't he still an angel? I mean, I guess technically he'd be a fallen angel, previously an angel.

Speaker 4:

Isn't he still an angel?

Speaker 3:

I mean, I guess technically he'd be a fallen angel, he was the most beautiful angel, and there we have Kimono Woman being an angel too.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, might be importance to the wordage.

Speaker 3:

There's always a battle between opposites like whether you're talking about gravity and trying to defy gravity, or you know, black versus white, you know, or you know, whatever it is, two groups of people, whatever it is. I just I of people, whatever it is. I just I'm thinking that perhaps the boy in white was the good guy. We always think of white as being the good guy, right, but and that may not be the case here this time but the boy in white wanted things done a certain way, you know, like you had to live by his order. Here's his bible, follow these rules, right. And the and the devil didn't want to do that. So he was like you're out now and maybe this is their battlefield, maybe this is what they're fighting like, where they're doing their fighting and they're fighting over these people that they keep bringing back again and again and again.

Speaker 3:

Okay, and the boy in white has been orchestrating everything with these people. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that being said, how many talismans are there? There's seven talismans and seven kids. Okay, are there seven? Yeah, because you have Colony House, you've got.

Speaker 3:

I think we have to go back to when Boyd actually found them to confirm that it's Colony House. No, no, no, I can say right now it's Colony House no because there's other people that live in other houses that we don't see. I don't know that have two husbands.

Speaker 2:

Let's just say there's seven for argument's sake. Okay, For argument's sake. Now, if the case is, how many monsters are there?

Speaker 4:

Like 12? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

The problem is one of the monsters hasn't returned.

Speaker 3:

What do you mean, jasmine?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I just heard a guitar strum in my house and I don't have one, it was the boy in white oh my god, all right, it's something else.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what that is I don't know where I'm going with this. I just know that you know that's a good point. I'm looking at the chat and they're and they're, they're doing a lot of cool theorizing and you know we have a whole year and a half to figure this out.

Speaker 4:

Well, they should have at least, because, given the story that we now know, all of the monsters should have been accounted for in that room.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

So there should have been someone that at least looks like her, like maybe with her back turned right.

Speaker 3:

Are you talking about Jasmine?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, because that's the whole point of that scene, saying that you killed one and he came back because he was guaranteed forever life.

Speaker 3:

Maybe she was just washing her hair that night, I don't know.

Speaker 4:

Or I mean all the angles. You know we didn't see like a huge overall shot of everybody, so yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean like Tiffany said, it gives you enough to to chew on. For. For you know, mj or JM is like whatever happened to the drone. Well, I can't, I can't.

Speaker 4:

The matter is probably dead by now the drone has more issues than you know.

Speaker 2:

Randall's got more issues than the drone right yeah, so that thing that said um, what's the final bow that you want to put on this, this craziness?

Speaker 3:

I think we made a lot of ground this season.

Speaker 4:

I think we learned a lot, and we learned a lot in the last 20 minutes of this show yeah I mean, it's gonna be very frustrating now that we, like, we have concrete evidence, like not evidence, but we have concrete information that you know. Previously we it was a lot of what ifs, like everything. Now we have like a base, a real thing, which almost makes it more frustrating.

Speaker 3:

I know Because whatever idea you get. It has to work with that, which is good, but yeah yeah, you know, I have been toying with this idea for a long time that I might start a newsletter about the show. And if we have at least a whole year to go, 13 months to go before the show comes back, I think I'm going to start a newsletter. You know what? Don't wait.

Speaker 2:

And she brings up a point You've got the black lady, you got the wedding lady, you got the nurse. You got the waitress that was jingling the keys. You got that boy that was with Hannah.

Speaker 3:

I saw some of them.

Speaker 2:

I saw some of them in that circle. My point being is there's a lot of inconsistencies there, but we'll see.

Speaker 4:

Ammunition for good YouTube videos in off-season.

Speaker 2:

That's it.

Speaker 3:

I just want to say so it's out there. We have a what Is From Cast Facebook page. That's basically just about the podcast, it's not about theories. So if you are interested in getting on a newsletter list to discuss some of this stuff, I'm going to put a sign up over there, or just go over there and message me with your email address Andy we'll, we'll dress up our kids like the kids.

Speaker 2:

We'll do like a really cool video. Yeah, and I don't know how we're going to do this, because it'll be a frigging nightmare, Cause the time I don't know what'll happen.

Speaker 2:

The makeup will never come off and it'll just be like that's a whole other video in itself, yeah, off, and it'll just be like, yeah, that's a whole other video in itself, yeah, exactly, um, but yeah, no. So so, yeah, no, now that we're on our second hour, our third hour, yeah, of of podcasting. Um, you know, I just wanted to to to thank you guys. You know we had some goals this season to get to 1,000 subscribers and you know we didn't hit our goal. I'm not going to lie, but we got darn close. We got up to 815. Very close, yeah, I'm very happy. And you know it forced us to do some more content. It forced us to do a lot of good stuff.

Speaker 2:

We're not going to let you guys hang. I know we're going to be doing a couple of different wrap-ups. We're going to probably have Bob Mann back on because he loves to talk. I know Andy will probably want to come back.

Speaker 2:

If you want it's just me or it's just Lizzie or it's just you we'll just give you the keys and do whatever the hell you want at this point, you know I do want to get Chris back because he's our music music guy. And you know, let's break down these songs in terms of what's happened, because I think there's terms of what's happened, cause I think there's not that it's the key, but I really think that, as Lizzie said, they don't do stuff by accident in a lot of ways. So there's gotta be something with all this. And you know, I just think that the biggest good thing about this show and the bad thing about this show is they really can go in any direction. They really can go in any direction, and you know it's hard, but we're going to see what happens. So, andy, what do you got cooking these days? You got your videos. You got Behind the Red Door.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, surviving the holidays, yeah, I do what you just finished a film.

Speaker 4:

Like making a film right a little short filming the film yeah, it was a lot of fun. Uh, it was. We do a halloween short with just the work guys. So it's like me getting a crazy idea and shooting and we have a lot of fun. But it's good to be beyond that, because now I just have normal work. But at the beginning of the year we're going to film a couple of I think I mentioned this before like a pilot-type idea for like a sitcom-y type thing, me and anybody, I'm available.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, I'm totally available.

Speaker 4:

We'll bring everybody in that's what I'm talking about, yeah yeah, everybody in yeah, just to feel more. I mean, I'm I've always been trying to like, yeah, I have a management team and a agency and I'm trying to go that route. But at the same time I'm, when things when I don't have a project I'm big on, just like rolling my sleeves up and creating one myself.

Speaker 2:

So somebody's asking are you doing a new board?

Speaker 4:

drop on wednesday night uh, yeah, I'll say it here. Yes, we have, like uh, seven new decks coming out. Oh, really yep, new skateboards. All right, that's what I'm talking about. A little dramatic though, lena, I think it was lena. Yeah, it was lena. Yes, just to, just to forewarn you, it's a little dramatic, a little dramatic, yeah, yeah what do?

Speaker 2:

you normally, do you drop?

Speaker 4:

we used to do drops season four times a year, just seasonal drops. And then, um, ever after the pandemic, the skateboarding world just exploded right and uh, we've just been kind of like we're actually one of the few people that are. I mean, there's like people dropping like flies out there. It's, it's bad for the skating industry a lot of industries actually but, um, so we've kind of changed to smaller drops, right, just like a shirt and a board, and then one month, then another one next month, and but this time we're doing like a full-on drop. We got four shirts, we got seven boards. It'll be a big release.

Speaker 2:

So well, that'd be cool, it'll be a lot of fun yep, yeah, no, no, I, I think you know she was also.

Speaker 4:

He or she was asking about a from deck um I'll try to, I'll make I'll, I'll mock something up and I'm gonna tell you right now.

Speaker 2:

I think I might have an idea to get around what you want, what the issue is we could.

Speaker 4:

There's definitely ways of doing that. We do parody decks all the time to like homage to the projects that we like right no, I think we might have a good workaround on it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, um, I'm all ears, I know you are, uh, no, but I think we could definitely do some content. We've got a whole year and some folks, and I just want to say this before we wrap it all up the reason why it's 2026 is not to torture us, it's to, it's to have the cast get back to the schedule that they were on. You have to remember the. The whole industry was shut down because of the strike. One was well, no, I'm saying it's not great. Well, I'm saying from was one of the first ones that went back. Yeah, we were blessed that they came back when they did, and it also gave time to create winter, whatever else now they're putting more money into it too, so it's a bigger project.

Speaker 2:

That means that's more time on everything, exactly yeah, but they also want, I mean let's, let's. The easy answer is they want to release in february of 26, because that's when they release, that's when they've always released, right that that february march area, and if they can do that, that means that they're going to be filming in the fall summer.

Speaker 3:

No, if they'll start filming in the spring. Oh, whatever I mean, you know, I would think so they have to edit and everything I'm sorry, I meant to transition also from the store.

Speaker 2:

To keep it chronological, they're going to want it to be, like you know, off the winter into the spring yeah, you know, and I think you know, unfortunately, unfortunately, it sucks for us, um, but there is rewatches, but I think this season can be dissected a lot. I mean even this episode. We're not even really doing it justice. No, it's just a lot that could happen. And, um, you know, we're still going to be plugging along with this and you know we may I don't know, I mean again with the, with the long period of time, who knows, we may cover something else in between. We're not really sure. I mean, we, we've kind of prided ourselves on being only from, but you know we might, we might, uh, who knows what we're going to do? Um, you know, but look at it this way. You know, but look at it this way.

Speaker 3:

There's a lot we can do this year.

Speaker 2:

Look at it this way as long as the time as it is, it's still shorter than Stranger Things, because those kids are going to be 180 years old by the time they do my gosh. Yes, and Silo is back, yellow Jackets is coming back and Podcastica is going to be covering both of them. I know Daphne who's on here right now. She's going to be doing Yellow Jackets. I'm going to probably be doing Yellow Jackets after show and that's going to be a lot of fun. I love Yellow Jackets. I've seen it. Yeah, daphne.

Speaker 3:

I don't go back and watch it, I really don't. I was sick to you know what. I'm not bragging, I'm just telling my experience. So I worked on the show Teacup. And one of the kids on Teacup was the younger brother of the guy on Yellow Jackets, yellow jackets. And when they showed him, you know lying there and they were butchering him, I was actually working with him at that point and it just gutted me yeah like it made me sick to my stomach.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, like just the whole premise. Like I was okay up until the end of second season. I don't know if I can go back and watch it. It was just making me sick.

Speaker 2:

It's a tough show. I mean it's not. It is yeah, it's a tough show. I mean Javier, I mean yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I mean as messed up as this show is in terms of, like you know, a mind screw. I mean Yellow Jackets a mind screw.

Speaker 4:

I mean yellow jackets. Yellow jackets doesn't make you feel like there are moments in from that. Make you feel good. They give you. They give you, like, some moments to breathe and they give you moments to just like, like the victor and his dad. Yeah, I did not get that in yellow jackets, it was like dark and just yeah, I've.

Speaker 2:

Only I haven't gotten through the first episode, but we're definitely going to not cover it, but you know, it's just kind of neat. But but yeah, no, daphne, put in the chat. What are you guys doing this week on? What's your next episode about? I know you're, you're, you're listening, so if you could put it out, I want to make sure I get a good shout out. I know they're still doing a rewatch of Walking Dead. There's still we just finished Daryl Dixon and you know we got a lot coming up, you know, and that's what it comes down to.

Speaker 2:

If there's a show that you like, I mean we just did Agatha, not we. But you know, and that's what it comes down to. If there, if there's a show that you like, I mean we're, we just did agatha, not we. But you know the group did agatha and, um, yeah, that's, that's a fun one. And uh, oh, yeah, I forgot, they have their thanksgiving special. I forgot it will drop this thursday. Nothing says I love you like a horror movie special, all things horror. And you know, check out Run For your Lives, guys, if you like From you will love Run For your Lives, and her and Paik do a great job. I can't say enough about it and, like I said, it's by Eli Roth and he knows a little bit about Horror.

Speaker 2:

So, we just want to wish Everybody a good holiday, whatever you celebrate, whether it's the birth of a baby or a birth of a monster, or I don't know what the heck Happened in this episode.

Speaker 4:

Hey, we've been talking about Pilgrims, right Thanksgiving's coming up or I don't know what the heck happened in this episode. Hey, we've been talking about pilgrims right.

Speaker 3:

Thanksgiving's coming up there you go.

Speaker 4:

We talked about pilgrims a little bit. It's a very from holiday.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, from the perfect Thanksgiving show. I just want to put a little marketing note out there. If you are going to our Etsy shop, the what is From shop, we still have plenty of calendars, posters, but those I can mail out pretty much when you order them and then we're just reliant on the post office system. But if you are ordering a T-shirt, order them now, if you are giving them as a gift, because the production of those gets bogged down with the number of orders. So get your orders in earlier.

Speaker 4:

My mom ordered that shirt.

Speaker 3:

Which shirt the Frummel-y?

Speaker 4:

Bottle tree shirt.

Speaker 3:

Oh my God, really which shirt?

Speaker 4:

the fromily bottle tree shirt? Oh my god really, I didn't know it existed. She was like I ordered a shirt and I had given her the fromily shirt and I was like a shirt where you have it. And she was like no, the bottle tree. And I was like oh, okay oh, that's who ordered it she also binge watched. I gotta shout her out. She binge watched the entirety of season three again today, leading up to the last episode. Oh my god, I was like that's impressive I'm in awe of her.

Speaker 4:

Well, I spent all day doing notes, so I mean yeah, that's impressive too, though that's that's a different type of work yeah, it just kind of surprises me, but I am, I think, gonna spend a day watching the entire season.

Speaker 3:

You pick up so much more when it's one right after the other yeah, it's a different experience lena, it's not a problem.

Speaker 2:

We if, if I didn't want to put it up there, I wouldn't have put it up there. Okay, and I'm going to tell you right now, I own my own business. I've talked to andy off the off the. We both talked to Andy. You know what he's a personality. We're all personalities. Yes, it's not about the podcast, but you know what it's our podcast and we can do what we want to.

Speaker 2:

So Appreciate you, lena, and what did I miss? No, she asked about. Well, I'm sorry about putting up stuff, about non-podcast stuff, you know what?

Speaker 4:

Hey, we up stuff about non-podcast stuff, you know what? Hey, we can do what we can do, and that's two hours 20 minutes into it too.

Speaker 2:

Nobody's gonna listen at this point.

Speaker 3:

Anyways, they've already like stopped listening, like about two hours ago it's usually true I know, yeah I mean, I know, and alex, I don't think I mentioned this uh, andy bought my book and I was like like I would have just You're the one, andy, you're the one, you're the one. I was like wait a minute, you're the one that bought it.

Speaker 4:

And then, Lizzie gave me the second one.

Speaker 3:

It was a very nice book. I did say it was like they are fast reads.

Speaker 4:

Okay, awesome, good. That's the type of book I need, in my life too.

Speaker 1:

I'm actually I got a little vacation down to Florida with the wife.

Speaker 3:

So I'll, I'll make that I'll bring that.

Speaker 4:

It's in a couple of weeks

Speaker 3:

but I'll bring that. Yeah, there's your next movie. Yeah. Like I have to reread it every so often and. I'm like Whoa, whoa, then what happened so?

Speaker 2:

Well, guys, I didn't fix the ending of it, but it's kind of bittersweet because we always end with Ian and literally this is like his last calling. And it's just kind of sad because we got to interview him once and it was for like five minutes and we wish we could have got him on the podcast and maybe we can afterwards. But you know, both Lizzie and I are huge Ian Bailey fans. For a whole bunch of I mean, he's been, he's been an icon for a long time and it's just why I'm so upset is because he's such a good actor and I think he got a raw end of the deal with this show the thing is no one dies on this show there's no rules in him coming back in some aspect yeah, I understand

Speaker 2:

but I don't think anybody wants him back.

Speaker 3:

I want him back. I was chit chatting withting with Liz Moy today and I was like, well, we'll see you next season. And she's like, oh, and I'm like, of course we're going to see you.

Speaker 4:

I'm surprised we didn't see her later in this season.

Speaker 3:

I know. I think, because it's so fast. We've only covered a couple of days. That it's so fast. I don't think she's had time they probably want to make it haven't had time to put her in yeah, impactful too if it make us wait.

Speaker 4:

It'll mean more when, when she does finally appear in some apparition yeah, oh my gosh, yeah all right I can't sweetest.

Speaker 2:

I love you guys, but I gotta go home or go upstairs, see you guys next year. I mean, see you guys next season. But we'll probably do something before we will be doing stuff. Yeah, we're gonna try to do.

Speaker 3:

That was mistakenly thinks we're going dark and we cannot. We will not, we won't let that happen.

Speaker 2:

I know you guys won't let that happen. I know you guys won't let that happen, but thank you guys so much for everything, and we are out of here. Get your home let's go, come on. Get in your house, let's go, come on. © transcript Emily Beynon.

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